chapter 40

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Nina's pov
I heard a faint beeping sound but I couldn't move, I felt someone near me and I wanted to open my eyes badly. I was starting to get worried and horrible thoughts came into mind, am I dead, is dimitri suffering, is this all a dream? The beeping got louder and faster and I heard people running, soon there where people yelling around the room. I felt that someone beside me move a little bit and I heard a growl with a loud punching sound. I flinched and the growling stopped, in felt someone hugging me tightly, I could hear their heartbeat it was fast. I barley opened my eyes but closed the again by the bright light, I opened my eyes again and it was a bit dimmer. I hugged dimitri back and he quickly let go of me, he then shut his eyes and slowed his breathing. "Dimitri, what happened?" I asked looking up at him, I had a ton of questions. "Well its a long story.." He said said looking down at the floor and started at the beginning.

*****20 minutes later*****
After he told me the whole story I was furious, who the hell would want to do that.  Dimitri noticed that I was pissed off and held my hand, I calmed down and got up out of the bed. "Where are you going?" Dimitri said standing up and walking twords me, I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I'm getting out of this damn hospital because I am tierd of being in here, now please move before I kick you in the balls." I said crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes, dimitri's eyes quickly widened and he moved away from the door. I smirked and went out the door, immediately I was greeted by tons of pack members. "Luna, Luna, are you okay what happened back there?!" A couple of them yelled, another group yelled mote person questions like is the baby really dimitri's and are you even dimitri's mate. I ignored them all and pushed past them and going into the pack house locking the door, I laid on the couch and sighed. Finally some peace and queit...

Ughhh it's some what short again I'm sorry I'm just rlly not feeling it today, but I will continue on with this book! -jackie ~♡~

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