chapter 13

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(Cute twins boys up top enjoy)
Nina's pov

I looked up at my attacker he was a brown wolf with light blue eyes, the other wolf went behind a tree and shifted he came out with a shirt on and some shorts, he had brown hair and hazel eyes. I my eyes went back up to my attacker who was practically sitting on me, i couldn't breathe. The wolf then finally got off of me and I could breathe again, I growled and looked up at them, the wolf who sat on me shifted behind a tree and came out with Long blue jeans and no shirt they looked like twins. "Shift, or we will force you." He threw a giant shirt at my face, I picked up the shirt from the ground and went behind a tree. I was not going to come willingly, I dropped the shirt behind the tree and ran like my life depended on it, and it did. I then ran into a bigger wolf, this wolf I remember so clearly, it was luke I stared up at him in shock and he looked down at me then back at the two men who tried to take me to their alpha. I ran over behind him and waited for the fight to be over, I waited 2 minutes and all the boys stared at me. I wanted to yell, BOI DA FUCK U LOOKIN AT, but I kept it to myself. "Hey luke, glad your back from hunting we where just hunting down this rouge, she is very stubborn." One of the twins said. I looked at luke like he had 3 heads and then back at the twins, WHAT THE HELL!?! 'Hey sis I was wondering if you could shift, don't worry I'll protect you' luke mindlinked me. I growled as the twin threw the shirt back to me again. I went behind a tree and shifted, I wore the shirt that was super big like wtf. I came out and looked at my brother who had a shirt on and sweat pants on. "What the hell is going on luke, seriously your lucky I trust you." I grumbled as I followed them through the forest. He shrugged and picked me up and hugged me, I struggled to get put of his grip but he us like ten times stronger now wtf.  "Put meh downnnnnn." I whined, he wouldn't let me go and carried me bridal style up the hill.  We finally got up the hill to find another pack house and diffrent houses alongside it, people where walking around until they saw us, they stopped and stared at us like we where stray dogs. Luke and the two twins kept walking over to the bigger pack house, they opened the door and took me upstairs. "So what are we doing here cuz if your going to kill me can my brother do it?" I asked calmly, luke looked down at me, laughed and then shook his head. "No sorry sis but your going to see our alpha, it's the rules but if he wont let you in the pack then I will find a way." He said smiling at me. I rolled my eyes and followed them to a room I heard yelling inside the room. "So you want me to go in a room with a bypolar alpha?" I asked sacasticly. "Yeah pretty much, but he is a softy, OH THAT REMINDS ME, what happened to your mate?" He asked. I looked down and sighed. "I don't wanna talk about it, maybe later?" I said quietly. The door opened and a gurl came out, did I forget to say that she had  A FUCKING SCRATCH ON HER FLIPPING FACE. I looked at her in shock and she hurried out of the pack house, awe hell nah I ain't going in there with him, your ganna have to drag me there! I was being pushed in the room by my brother, "NONONONONOOOOOO" I screamed, The door closed behind me and I was face to face with the alpha. He looked like he could snap my neck with his bare hands if he wanted to, I sunk to the floor in fear my heart was pounding, well this is the end of me.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Alpha Dimitri cya - jackie ♡ ~

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