chapter 17

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Nina's pov

I woke up in a dark room with chains around my neck, hands, and feet. The room was dark but I was able to make out some figures in the room with me and a tray of tools next to me, the figure came closer and turned on a bright light revealing what was on the tray. My eyes widened in shock and worry, there was wolfsbane, silver, and more sliver objects. I looked up at who was going to hurt me, it was a pack member from the gold pack he had a nasty smile on his face. "So what do you want to try first, a knife covered in wolfsbane, a sliver knife, oh maybe sticking a needle under your finger nails?" He said with excitement, I shivered when he said the needle under my fingernail. "Hmm let's try the silver knife, just for starters." He said sickly while picking up the silver knife. My heart started beating as the knife came closer and closer, I felt the stinging pain on my stomach and screamed. "Ah yes keep on screaming, who knows maybe I'll have my own fun this is just for my alpha maybe we can have fun." He whispered in my ear, a tear escaped my eyes as he shoved the knife deeper into my stomach. He pulled the knife slowly out of me and picked up another tool, this time he got the knife again but covered it in wolfsbane. I whimpered and tried to talk to gold. 'Gold I'm scared, please help me' I cried. 'It's okay Nina I promise red is coming  for us. Just hang tight, I know we won't be able to-' She was cut off as the knife jammed into the other side of my stomach. I screamed in pain and cried. "Alright, I'm finished with my job for today but tomorrow we can have my type of fun, sleep tight hun." He said while walking away from the light, I heard the door open and the door shut. I looked down at the floor and cried, the door opened again and a girl came in this time, it was Alyssa. "Hmpf look at you, so pathetic no wonder your mate kissed me, if only you didn't come in and maybe we could have more "fun" ." She smirked and kneeled in front of me. She was close enough I could punch her hard in the nose and I did, she flew backwards and held her bleeding nose. She looked over at me and scowled. "You'll pay for this whore!" She hissed and ran out the door, I was finally alone, I soon fell asleep.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Taken and abused cya - jackie ♡ ~

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