chapter 34

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Alyssa's pov
I was woken up by someone shaking me, I groaned and slapped their hand away. "Don't groan at me get up, now Alyssa.." Kallen said kneeling over me, i rolled my eyes and got up. "What do you want kallen and when can you let me go?" I said pretty annoyed, he smirked and stood up. "We'll we do have a backyard, and since you are a dog do to you want to go outside and play?" He said mockingly, I growled and he just laughed at me. "Your really think that scares me, I am stronger than you in everyway." He said standing taller than me, I rolled my eyes and followed him downstairs into the backyard. "Go on and shift and do you doggy deeds, whatever the hell that is.." He mumbled sitting on the porch playing his phone, I just stood there and stared at him. He finally looked up at me and raised his eyebrow. "What are you looking at" he said looking at me up and down in disgust. "I need extra clothes, when I shift I lose my clothes.." I said in a duh tone, he groaned loudly and took off his shirt leaving it on the steps. I turned around and shifted, I let my wolf shake her fur out since she hasn't been out in a long time. I looked over at Kallen who was lookingat me with curiosity, I turned my back to him and sat down looking at the iron fences. I felt something being wrapped around my neck and realized it was a shocking collar, I turned around and growled at kallen. 'HOW DARE HE PUT THIS SUPID LOOKING THING ON ME!' Malani yelled and sprinted around the yard clawing at the collar. (You know how cats see and cucumber next to them and the freak the fuck out, well image that) kallen was laughing badly to where he fell on the grass, I took the opportunity and jumped on top of him pinning him and growled in his face. He rolled his eyes and threw me backwards into the iron fence denting it, i felt a shock in my neck and then felt horrible pain. I whimpered and shifted, I covered myself with my knees and put my head in between them. "Don't ever think you can fight me, next time it will be worse, you will be sleeping out here tonight." He said while dropping the shirt in front of me and going back inside, I picked up his shirt and put it on. I stayed in The corner of the fence in the shade for what seemed like an eternity until a new person came out from inside, he was a small boy with dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes. He looked over at me and his eyes widened, he rushed over to me and I backed further into the fence getting a tiny shock. He put his hands put before him and walked slowly and carefully, I narrowed my eyes at him when he patted the top of my head. Soon a girl came sprinting out the back door and saw the little boy petting me, her eyes widened and she quickly grabbed the child and held him close to her far away from me. "Stay away from my child you wild beast, I don't know why kallen brought you here anyways!" She yelled at me and rushed back inside with her child, I looked down as the sun went down and I soon fell asleep out of  pain and hunger.
Luke pov
I sat in the guest room watching tv and since that night at the restaurant she hasn't come by, and the bad thing was that I had to leave so soon and go back to Darren. I didn't know where she lived and neither did Nina so I couldn't go see her, after another painful night without my mate I decided to go back to my pack, Darren needs me to be his beta.
*Sigh* you know I really DON'T want to say it but I'm kinda feeling bad for Alyssa but then I'm not you know, anyways baiii
-jackie     ~♡~

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