chapter 41

16 4 7

Jax's pov
After leaving that stupid pack I punched a tree and it feel down instantly, I growled and kept on walking. How could Darren just embarrass me in front of my mate, I stopped in my tracks when i heard a twig snapping from my left side. I around to Be face to face with A Rouge, I growled and The rouge circled me. I rolled my eyes and ducked when it came lunging at me, I brought out my knife and jumped on top of the rouge's back and stabed it in the neck. It's body dropped to the ground, pathetic waste of a wolf, was all that went though my mind.

*******An hour later********
I walked past some girls fantasizing about who there mate will be, I heard one of the girls say luke gold and I pinned her against the wall holding her by her neck I growled. "Look luke is already taken if I see you near him or talk to him your dead.." I said slowly and looked up at me with fear and her eyes and nodded, I then slammed the back of her head against the brick wall and walked away as she was holding her head in pain. When I made it to the main pack house I was people crowding the front door and people trying to nina's attention, I went behind the house and made sure no one was following me, I oped the back door and stepped inside. I made my way to the living room and sat down on the couch with nina, she was to busy watching tv and eating a turkey sandwich that she didn't notice me. "Sooooo want to explain why there are tons of people outside your house and trying to also break in your windows?" I asked her turning around to face her, she put her sandwich down on the table and turned to face me. "I may or may not have gotten kidnapped by a witch and almost killed.." She said looking down, well damn I missed alot. "So how many months until the child comes out?" I asked, I was Really curious Mostly because I would become an aunt. "In 6 more months I'm sure that you can wait that long jax, plus we don't have to do anything until that day sooooo whatcha wanna do with our 6 months of freedom?" She said while smirking and turning off the TV, I got out my phone and ordered us some pizza. "We are going to have a girls night, eat pizza, ice cream, and watch horror movies!" I said excitedly, she nodded her head and went upstairs to find some horror movies.  While I was waiting for the pizza to come a loud bang was heard in the kitchen, Nina quickly came down stairs. "Stay behind me nina, I don't want you getting hurt." I whispered and crept up the the wall next to the kitchen, I got out my knife and took a deep breath. I jumped out from behind the wall and tackled the intruder, rhe intruder was a male and he was definitely a werewolf. "Grr what are you doing here, go back to your pack before I kill you." I said growling making sure that my knife was showing. "W-wait, don't hurt me I was sent here by alpha darren, j didn't mean to kick the door down there where alot of ppl upfront!" He said covering his face with his hands, for a big and strong guy he seemed pretty nice. I got off him and helped him up, I watched him sit down and catch his breath. "Nina walked from behind the wall carefully and stared at the man up and down with curiosity, she then looked at me and raised her eyebrow, instead of answering her I just shrugged my shoulders. Then put of no where she ran up and hugged the stranger, he looked at her with curiosity, I went to pull her away from him but she just growled at me and hung onto him. "Be careful with him, he is precious to me, I have always wanted a gay friend." She said narrowing her eyed at me, the guy just smiled at her. "How dI'd you even know he was gay?" I said, I swear nina is so weird. "Hey don't judge me I can always tell when someone is gay or not." She said in a sassy tone, I put up my hands and took a step back. "So my new best friend what are you doing here?" She said finally calming down, he looked down and sighed. "I acually was sent here from alpha darren to retrieve jax knight.." He said still looking down, Nina quickly got off him and growled. "What does Darren want with my bff?" She said narrowing her eyes, his eyes widened and he sat up out of his chair putting his hands up in defense. "she not in trouble, alpha Darren just Wants to see her for some reason.." He said putting his hands down, Jesus for a pretty buff guy he is very weak next to Nina. "Why are you scared of me?" asked nun a with concern, he sighed and shook his head. "Last time I talked to an alpha they killed my little brother, I don't know how to act tworda and alpha like you, I'm rreally not weak I just act that way for the alpha pleasure." he said standing up straight and cross in fb his arms leaning against the kitchen table, Nina rolled her eyes and dragged him to the couch and put in the horror novie.  I shrugged my shoulders and sat on the couch with them.

Words can't even express how sorry I am for not posting, its been sooo long and u haven't talked to anyone and I just rlly didn't feel like  do anything, and what mkes it worse is That school starts and the end of this month and I also have a new phone so I have to find all of my friends numbers again which is very stressful.

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