chapter 23

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Dimitri's pov  (finally)

I knew that Nina was lying about something and she won't tell me what it is, I was up till 4 in the morning sitting in my office thinking about what Nina could be lying about. I put my head in my hands and groaned to myself, I need to go out and get some air. I got up from my office and sat outside on the porch, I decided to let red out and go for a run. Maybe a vampire imprinted her, maybe she's pregnant with a vampire, so many thoughts ran through my head as I ran. I decided to go back home and rest beside my beautiful mate, when I got home I quickly went up to our room and fell asleep next to her.
Nina's Flashback dream thingy
David stayed the night with me keeping an eye on me and staring off into space, he then suddenly got up and hit me in the head with his strong hands making me black out.
2 hours later
I woke up with a throbbing pain in my stomach and felt blood on my legs, what the hell did did do to me..
"Ah that was very pleasant, who knows maybe you can be awake for the next round" David said as he left the room, he raped me!?! If dimitri find out he will think I'm a dirty whore, and he'll reject me. Tears flowed down my face as I cried my self to sleep.
I woke up with a jolt from my dream, dimitri pulled me back down with so much force that the air was knocked out of me. "Stay" He mumbled and cuddled me, I smiled and burrowed my self into him living the warmth from him. We could be like this forever, the alarm then rang making us both jump from out comfortable position. Dimitri grabbed the alarm clock and threw it at the wall leaving a Crack and a broken alarm clock, I started at dent in the wall and then back at dimitri who was sound asleep again. "Dimitri you have to get up you have a pack meeting that you can't miss and you know this, I'll make sure to train the pack today." I said to him, he just grunted in response. I smiled and went to the closet grabbing some shorts and a blue crop top, I then got a towel and went into the bathroom. I took a shower and washed hair and body, I got out of the shower and dried  off looking in the mirror. I looked a whole lot diffrent than before, my hair was starting to have gold hilights in them and my body was curvy instead of straight and bland. I put on my clothes and put on some running shoes. When i got out of the bathroom dimitri was already dressed, he looked me up and down and growled. "Your not wearing that nina, I don't want  any mate less wolves looking at you." He said stubbornly, i raised my eyebrows, aww hell no I am not changing again. "Um excuse me but I can wear whatever I want, when did you become my dad now move I got some training to do." I said pissed off, dimitri looked dumbfounded. I Walked out of the pack house and and gathered the men of the pack to the training grounds, I ordered them to run 10 laps around the large track and if any of them slacked off they would have to run 5 more laps. "Hey Luna is it just me or has tour stomach gotten bigger." One of the 15 year old boys said to me smirking with is friend laughing in the back, I had a murderous look in my eyes that the 15 year old actually started to whimper. Of course like any sense able woman would i smacked the shit out of him, it looked like he stuck the side of his head in poison Ivy. I then kicked him the the gut and continued to train the other wolves. Soon it was getting dark and I sent everyone home, when I got inside the pack house I felt very sick and rushed to the bathroom and puked my guts out. I brushed my teeth and knew exactly what was happening, I was pregnant there was no question about  it, i was having mood swings, I'm puking, and now I'm craving ice cream with olives for some reason. Dimitri soon got home an hour later and we hung out for the rest of the day talking about how our day went, I didn't dare talk about my pregnancy. We soon went to sleep after our stressful day.

I know it's super late sorry but I was super bored and wanted to write hope you enjoyed the chapter
-jackie ~ ♡ ~

Alpha Dimitri حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن