chapter 22

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Thanks to Darkmagicwolfwritter for being the best bff ever!

This is the finish of the Flashback enjoy-
Jason came up to us and threw my unconscious sister against the wall, I growled and stood up he looked so small compared to me. He looked up at me with anger in his eyes, I could tell he has been planning to hurt Nina for a long time and that bothers me. I pushed him backwards sending him crashing into the wall, he slumped to the ground hurt from the brick wall. I wanted to finish him off, but he is younger brother I know I may regret this but I can't end his life. I picked up Nina and ran down the dark hallway, I ran out of the house and slowed down when I saw that girl again. This time a man came up behind her and kissed her neck and rubbed her stomach lightly, I looked down and my heart fell she was pregnant. My own mate was pregnant with someone else's baby, I growled and stared walked faster away from that horrible sight. I felt someone lightly tap my shoulder and saw it was that girl again, she looked pained I wonder why. "What is your name sir?" She asked me I already knew what she was ganna say there is no point in trying to keep her. "I'm luke gold.." I mumbled, I saw her boyfriend looking over at us I growled when he scowled at me. "Well I'm sorry, but I hayley willams reject you luke gold." She said to my face with no regret. "Good luck with your baby, oh and your boyfriend over there is making out with a rouge." I said and stormed off, she looked back and saw her boyfriend kissing that rouge. I took my sister out of that stupid pack and laid her down, I looked around for a quicker way to get to the Thorn pack...
End of flash back
Nina's pov
Looking at my mate and brother fight was something I didn't want, I may have been weak but I grabbed a rock and threw it at my brothers head. It felt like my body was being controlled and luke fell to the ground unconscious, dimitri looked up at me with suprise and worry in his blue eyes. 'I'm sorry Nina but no one hurts my mate' someone growled in my head, I then realized it was gold. I was finally able to have control of my body and ran over to my brother and dimitri, I looked at my brothers bleeding head. 'YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO FUCKING CRACK HIS HEAD OPEN GOLD!' I yelled at her, 'WELL I'M SORREYYYY, MY MATE MATTERS MORE' she yelled back. A few pack members picked up my brother from in front of me and dimitri came to comfort me,I sighed and held on tightly to him.

Few hours later
I was finally with my mate, and luke would be fine but just had to have a few stitches in his head. I held on close to dimitri as we watched a movie, we didn't want to talk about what happened until I was ready to talk about it. Dimitri quickly sat up and growled, I looked at him in confusion. " I smell a vampire here, Nina stay close to me." My eyes widened and I followed him arousn the house as he looked for the vampire, he growled in anger when he couldn't find the vampire. "Where is this damn thing, I smell it everywhere around the house." He mumbled to himself. "Maybe it's nothing.." I mumbled, to mostly myself. He turned to look over at me and stared at me intensely. "Did something happen at your old pack nina, if something did happen you have to tell me!" He yelled, tears where threatening to spill but I blinked them back. "Nothing happened dimitri don't worry about it". I said with a forced smile, it seemed to trick him. We went back to watching the movie but dimitri seemed tense and staring off into space, I sighed and fell asleep in his arms.

Ohhhh in wonder what happened that may be to inappropriate to share but I may do it anyways in a Flashback,  WHOOOO BABY I'M BACK AND READY TO START AGAIN. Okay so Darkmagicwolfwritter I have a question for you should I or should I not start the forbidden love book again cuz I kinda want to but it's for you and I to decide together.
- jackie ~♡

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