1D - #6 Celebrity Crushes

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*You're famous in this one*

Louis: "And, Louis, we heard that you took Y/N out on a date last night. Is that true?" The interviewer asks him. "Yeah, yeah, it's true. We had a lot of fun then." "Is it true that she's your celebrity crush also?!" "Yeah that's what made last night all the better." He joked around. "But in all honesty, it was an amazing night and I hope I can take her out again."

Liam: "So Liam did you hear what Y/N said about you the last time she was here?" The interviewer asks, flipping her blonde hair behind her shoulder. "No I haven't heard anything. What'd she say?" "She was talking about how she had gotten to meet you and she said it was like a dream come true for her since you're her celebrity crush." "I didn't know I was he celebrity crush!" He says. "She's also my celebrity crush."

Niall: "Niall...You've been spotted with a pretty interesting person lately, haven't you?" He couldn't help but smile since he knew that they were talking about you. "Yeah. Y/N's amazing. I've never met anyone like her." "Did you see the video of her dancing to the Best Song Ever?" "What? No that sounds amazing though. I'll have to look it up."

Zayn: "If you could be with anyone in the world, who would it be?" The girl in the crowd asks the boys. The other boy picked the girlfriends or their family while Zayn had chosen you. "I-I just really like her. She's really beautiful and funny and I'd love to be with her right now."

Harry: "Who's you celebrity crush Harry?" "My celebrity crush is absolutely Y/N. I went to one of her concerts a few days ago and she was amazing." "He's obsessed with her." Louis spoke up. "Shut up Lou. I'm not obsessed... I just really like her." "Like hell, Harry," He directs his attention the crowd. ", He knows everything about her. He met her once and he ended up screaming once he was outside." Harry looked at the ground and blushed because all of this was true.

Comment what you guys think.!!!


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