How He Is While You're In Labor (Ashton)

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You were in the kitchen baking cookies for Christmas. Ashton came into the kitchen picking up a spoon and eating some cookie dough you smacked him in the arm

"hey stop!" Ash started to giggled and rubbed your large stomach

"mommy doesn't like me eating the dough". The timer beeped and you bent down pulling the tray out of the oven and placing it on the counter. You started scooping the dough onto the tray when you felt something between your legs. You stepped back from the counter

"Ummmm Ashton!" you called out

"Yea babe" he called back from the living room

"Can you come here I..uhhh...I think my water just broke" you heard him fall off the sofa and running towards you falling all over the place.

'Are you serious" then the first contraction hit you

"Oh fuck" you shouted squeezing your eyes shut from the pain. Ashton came in and led you to the sofa

"Stay here let me get the bag and we'll go"

"Hold on it's not close until the contractions are like 5 minutes apart we have time I don't want to sit in the hospital bed for hours I'd rather be here then go when it's absolutely necessary"

"Babe we need to go what if something happens"

"Ash relax we have time I'm gonna go take a shower then we'll go just breath"

"Aren't I the one who's suppose to be telling you to breath". As you got up to go to the bathroom Ashton wrapped his hand around waist helping you to the bathroom sitting on the toilet while you took your shower making sure you were okay.

A Few Hours Later.......

"Oh my God Ash I can't this hurts so bad"

"y/n yes you can! you're doing amazingly! just keep it breathing".

After a little while longer the contractions were coming much harder and faster leaving no time in between.

"God Ashton I hate you I hate everyone I can't do this I just...I need to push" Ashton knew you didn't really hate him you were just in a lot of pain. The nurse called in the doctor who checked you and sat back

"Alright y/n looks like you're fully dilated let's get everything set up and we'll have your son here not to much longer" a few minutes later the doctor came back in and sat down

"Okay on your next contraction push" you did as you were told with Ashton holding your hand and supporting your back when we leaned forward to pushing counting in your ear "1...2...3...4..5..6..7..8...9..and 10 realx" then again. It didn't take a lot of pushing for your son to arrive. You heard his cry as the doctor held your son in his arm

"Congratulations mr and mrs Irwin it's a boy!" he lifted him up so you could see him and then handed him to the nurse to get cleaned up.

"Oh babe you did so good did you see him he's gorgeous he's beautiful" you laid back tears in your eyes so happy and relieved he was here and healthy. The nurse brought him over and laid him on your chest

"Here he is have you two decided on a name"

"Aiden Timothy Irwin; my first son!"  

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