1D - #76 Facetime (Harry & Niall)

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Harry: "Harold<3 would like to FaceTime"  popped up on your phone while you were playing a game. You immediately answered, smiling when your adorable boyfriend's face popped up on the screen. He must have been outside because the sunlight was shining on his face."Hi, babe!" You waved. "What's up Harry?" He moved the phone closer to his face. "I've got something to show you..."he said with an evil giggle. "Harry what are you doing?" He'd nearly fallen off what you assumed was a stage. "Do you know where I am?" he asked. You shrugged. You never knew where Harry would be on any given day. Harry laughed and turned the camera around. "How about now?" Your heart fluttered. "Oh my God..." you whispered. "The very first time I saw you, you were standing right where I am right now and singing along to Last First Kiss..." He turned the camera around and smiled shyly. You were nearly in tears. "Harry! Why do you always have to be so cute and romantic?!" you asked, wiping a small tear. He smiled and shrugged. "I love you." you said. Harry smiled. "And I love you, Mrs. Styles." The two of you talked for a few more minutes before he had to leave for soundcheck.

Niall: You and Niall had a three year old daughter. Whenever Niall was on tour, she would always ask where he was. One day she was in a bad mood and refused to take a nap. You decided to Facetime with Niall to see if he could convince her to go to sleep. "Hey sweetie do you want to talk to daddy?" Your daughter's face lit up and she ran over to you, clutching her blanket. You lifted her onto your lap and opened facetime on your iPad. Niall's face popped up on the screen and your daughter squealed. "It's Daddy!! It's daddy!!" Niall had a huge grin and waved. "Hi babygirl! Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" Your daughter nodded and put her thumb in he mouth. "Some fans dropped off some gifts for me today and look what I got!" He held up a teddy bear and a little storybook.Your daughter perked up. "For me?" she asked. He nodded "Yeah babygirl! They're for you!" You laughed as your daughter clapped her hands. "You want me to read you a story?" Niall asked. Your daughter nodded and put her thumb back into her mouth, sucking her thumb. Niall opened the book. "Once upon a time..."

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