1D - #65 Whipped

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Louis: He was outside again, playing soccer with the other boys and you were sitting on the grass to watch him. "C'mon y/n!" He called out, completely ignoring the game to focus his attempt to talk to you. "Come join us!" You laughed when you saw him jogging towards you, his hair sticking to his forehead due to sweat. "You know I'm awful at sports, specifically soccer." Louis shrugged, his arm reaching down to pull you up from the ground. "I'll teach you that wh-" "Come on Louis! I can't do this alone." Liam called out, trying to play his part and also Louis'. "Can't right now, Liam." Louis said, his hand gripping onto yours tightly as you both reached the field. "I wanna teach my girl how to play. Maybe you'll be able to play on my team then." You felt yourself blush since Louis didn't normally show this much affection in public but especially in front of the boys. "He's so fucking whipped," Zayn said as he watched Louis guide you. "I've never seen him stop in the middle of a game for anyone." It was Harry who you heard speak up next. "That's because she's special to him, Zayn. Just let them be."

Liam: "I'm hungryyy." You whined as you sprawled yourself out on the hotel couch. "And what do that have to do with me?" Liam said as he reached down to run his fingers through your hair since your head was resting perfectly on his lap. "Niall's eating my last cookie. I want another." Liam chuckled as he glanced over at Niall, who was sitting on the floor and practically devouring the chocolate chip cookie. "How about I go to the bakery down the street and get you a brownie then?" You shook your head, giving Liam your best pouty face to finally push him over the edge and give into you. "I want a cookie-no other desert can compare to a giant chocolate chip cookie, not even a brownie." Liam sighed but slipped out from under you, placing a pillow under your head in place of his lap before he leaned down to press his lips to your forehead. "I'll be back, then. You better miss me while I'm gone." You smiled, glad he gave in. "I always do, Li." "Wow," Niall said from across the room. "I always knew that he was whipped for you but not that whipped..."

Niall: "Ew," You said, plopping down on the couch next to Niall since it was your weekly movie night but, this time, the other boys decided to intrude on your romantic night. "Why do we have to watch, Terminator? It's just some dumb boy movie." "Oh, c'mon, y/n. A little bit of action won't kill you." Zayn said, laughed as he focused on the previews, stuffing his face with popcorn. "But this is a dumb action movie. If you want a good action movie, watch Captain American. I mean Chris Evans is to die for and there's a whole lot of action in that movie." All the boys, besides Niall of course, groaned and looked to Niall for support but, instead, he did the exact opposite of what they were expecting. "Well, we did plan to watch Captain America anyway so I think it's only fair if we watch that." "What happened to you, Niall? You used to be so strong." Louis said, clutching his heart in fake pain as Liam got up to switch the movies. Niall leaned over and pressed his lips against your forehead and he pulled you onto his lap. "My princess always gets what she wants," He said, nuzzling his face into your neck. "And I can't help it when I give into her. I don't like it when she's upset." "Actually," Louis said with a huge smirk on his face. "That would be called 'being whipped', my friend."

Zayn: "Hey baby." Zayn said through the phone, isolating himself from the other boys so that they wouldn't interrupt his call to you like they did last time. "Hi, Zayn. How was tonight's show?" "Amazing. It ended about 2 hours ago, I've just been waiting to call you so that you weren't busy when i did." "Aw, that's really sweet, Zayn. I'm just trying to study for finals for a bit but it's-" "No," Zayn said, his voice was mumbled as if he was attempting to cover the phone with his hand so that you couldn't hear him, though you could still understand him. "Go away Louis." "I wanna talk to Y/n! C'mon, Zayn, you can't keep her to yourself. Share a bit. Do you know that he plans out all the times to call you?" Louis said, obviously taking the phone from Zayn. "Give it back, Louis!" After a few seconds of hearing the two boys fumble with the phone, Louis' voice became clear, compared to the mumbling you just overheard. "He's so whipped for you, y/n. Like, I wish you could hear half of the things he says about you; it's so sappy. I'm beginning to believe that he can't function being away from you."

Harry: "Babe, I can't cuddle any longer." He mumbled into your hair, his fingers tracing down your sides gently. "I'm gonna be late if I don't get up." "But I don't want you to go. I'm sick and I just wanna stay in bed and cuddle with you today." Harry sighed, feeling his heart ache slightly since he wanted the exact same thing but his job wouldn't allow that to happen at the moment. "I promise that we can cuddle once I get back from this rehearsal." You pouted at him, your cold working to your advantage since he couldn't, no matter how hard he tried to, deny you. "God, you're gonna be the death of me, y/n." He grumbled before he pulled the covers over your heads, as if it would allow you both to escape from the world for just a little bit. "Harry!" You heard Liam yell from the hallway. "Get your whipped ass out here. We've been waiting for you for almost 20 minutes now." "I don't wanna leave this bed." He whined, griping onto you even tighter, if that was even possible. "Go on, Harry, otherwise they'll never stop calling you whipped." He shrugged, sitting up as he began to fix his clothes. "I don't care if they think I'm whipped, as long as they know that I'm whipped for you and only you."

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