1D - #57 He uses a pick up line on you

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Louis: "So," A voice said, leaning against the bar next to you. "Why are you sitting here all alone?" "My friends ditched me. They wanted me to come out with them tonight but, as soon as we got here, there left me at the bar." "Well, would you mind if I joined you then? My friends ditched me too ." You shook your head, glad to finally have someone joining you. "My name's Louis, by the way." "Y/n." The night seemed to fly by just from talking to Louis. You couldn't contain your laughs by the end of the night though you weren't quite sure if it was because of his jokes or the shots he kept ordering for you. "I have to l-leave, Louis. I think it's late." Louis' smile seemed to fade and became replaced with, what you believed to be, nervousness. "Well, I heard they say dating is a numbers game... so can I get your number? Fuck, that sounded so much better in my head." Louis groaned when he heard a few men at the bar laugh at his lame attempt at flirting with you but, since you were already wasted, you found it cute. "Of course, Lou."

Liam: You were sitting in the corner of the coffee shop, focused on your laptop rather then the people around you, when you felt someone tap on your shoulder. You turned around and noticed a tall, brunette behind you. "Hey," He said nervously, looking anywhere in the place but your eyes. "I was just wondering, do you live in a corn field, cause I'm stalking you." His eyes widened as soon as he finished the statement. "Fuck. I thought that was a lot more clever when I came up with it." He said, tugging desperately on his hair. "I'm not stalking you though but I understand if you wouldn't want to go on a date after this." "Actually..." You trailed off, waiting for him to say his name, to which he mumbled, "Liam." "Actually, Liam, I'd love to do on a date with you as long as you promise that you'll never attempt to use a pick up line on me. Ever again." He nodded enthusiastically, leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek. "Promise."

Niall: Your sitting in Dairy Queen, at almost 2 in the morning. It was completely empty besides a few other people. Suddenly, a blonde took the seat before you, pushing one of the Dairy Queen Blizzards in front of you. "I think that if kisses were snowflakes, I'd send you a blizzard." He mumbled, obviously nervous to talk to you. You noticed his uncomfortableness and decided not to call him out on it. "Well, thanks but I didn't order this..." You mumbled. "I know. I ordered it for you. I saw you sitting here alone and I needed a reason to come talk to you." "And you needed an excuse to use that pick up line, right?" The blonde laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I-I guess so but I was hoping that this would break the ice enough for me to ask you out on a date..."

Zayn: "I knew that I was going to marry her after our first date." Zayn said during his speech at your wedding. "As soon as it was over, I rushed home to tell the boys everything about her." Everyone in the room seemed to laugh at his comment but it increased when Louis called out, "He's not lying!" "Yeah," Harry added, "Still doesn't shut up about her!" "Anyways," Zayn said redirecting the attention to him. "I was even surprised that she actually agreed to go on a date with me after the first thing I said to her being an idiotic pick on line. I asked her, 'Do you know what my shirt is made of? Boyfriend material.' and her face literally turned red from laughter. But I obviously did something right because she did get married to me!"

Harry: You and your friend were walking in the park, finally enjoying the nice weather for a change, when she left for a moment to call her boyfriend. You sat on the park bench, playing around with some game on your phone, when you felt someone sit down near you. "See my friend over there?" The curly haired man said, pointing to the blonde across the park who was smirking at him. "He wants to know if you think I'm cute." You let out a loud laugh, causing his smirk to fade. "And you see my friend over there?" You pointed to your friend, who was still on the phone. "She wants to know if you have a better pick up line." The man ran his hand through his hair nervously. "Well, I guess I come up with a few more but that would mean that I'd have to be able to see you again. If that's okay with you..." You giggled slightly, causing him to relax a bit. "That'll be fine but make sure they'll be better than that."

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