How He Is While You're In Labor (Niall)

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Like I said - each buy will be getting one - 5SOS AND 1D :)

so heres part 2 - aka Niall


Niall was actually in the middle of a twitcam when your water broke. One minute he was laughing and smiling but when you told him what was going on, his face changed to a look of complete shock. A few minutes later he broke out into an enormous grin.

"Gotta go everyone!! Baby Horan is coming!" He waved to the camera and closed his laptop.

"Niall! This is so painful! Why the hell did I let you do this to me?!" Niall laughed and helped you into the car.

"You'll thank me later, babe. I promise." He smiled and pecked your lips.

Once you had arrived at the hospital, Both yours and Niall's parents were there waiting. Maura and your mother each held one of your hands while Niall, Bobby, and your father all talked about what sports your future child would play. You screamed as another contraction hit and Niall rushed over.

"Niall I absolutely hate you for this!!" you cried. Niall just shushed you and climbed on the bed behind you, gently rubbing your stomach and whispering in your ear.

After three hours, the doctor decided it was time to push. You dont really remember much of the labor because of the pain, but your mother told you Niall was holding your hands and coaching you through the whole thing. You gave birth to a healthy baby girl and once she was cleaned up, she was handed to you. Niall was still sitting behind you and he rested his chin on your shoulder as you both gazed at your baby.

"I think she looks like my mum." Niall said with a small chuckle. After holding the baby for a while you handed her to Niall. He was so excited to show off his new daughter to his family and friends.

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