1D - Teacher Series: #2 "You're A Teacher?"

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Y/l/n = your last name

Louis: As soon as class ended, you rushed down to the teacher's desk. "Mr. Tomlinson?" You asked as he looked up from his desk to flash you a grin. "Miss y/l/n, how are you today?" "Good, good. So, you're the new drama teacher here?" He nodded his head, "And the girl who told me where this classroom is." You nodded, trying not to blush. "What do you need, hun?" "Well," You began, suddenly forgetting everything that you planned on telling him. "I-uh-I've never t-taken a drama class before and most people in this class have taken a few years of it. Anyways, I wanted to know if you could help me out a bit. You know, help me to understand a bit more." He nodded, standing up and you suddenly noticed his height advantage over you. "Come see me after school today. I know, it's only the first day of school but it's never too late to get started, right?"

Liam: You quickly changed into your gym clothes and left the locker room, leaning against the wall to wait for the teacher to show up. None of your friends were in this class so you were pretty much going to be alone for the year. Finally, the teacher walked in with a clipboard in his hand. Your eyes widened when you noticed that it was the boy who opened your locker earlier. "Okay, class. I need to take attendance then we'll get started." You couldn't help the blush that was covering your face. You've been thinking about this boy the entire day only to find out that he's actually your gym teacher. "Y/l/n... y/l/n?" Your thoughts were interrupted when you realized Liam-Mr. Payne-was calling your name. "H-Here." You noticed a slight smirk on his face as his eyes met yours. "Okay everyone, partner up. Since it's only the first day of class, we'll just practice for our first unit; volleyball." You sighed, no one in this class actually talked to you so, it looks like, you're going to have to ask Liam to find you a partner. "Li-Mr. Payne. I, uh, I don't have a partner." The smirk on his face seemed to grow as he tossed the volleyball in the air. "Well, y/n, we have an odd number of students so I guess you'll just have to be my partner. Heads up." He tossed the ball to you and, surprisingly, you hit it back perfectly to him. "S-So you're the new gym teacher here?" You mentally cursed yourself. Of course he was the teacher, you thought, why else would he be teaching the class? "Yeah, This is my first teaching job so, hopefully, I don't screw it up." "You won't." You shook your head, getting distracted for a moment and caused to ball to hit you in the head pretty hard. Liam cursed under his breath before coming to check on you. He forced you to sit on the ground, despite your protests of being okay, so that he could be sure that you were okay. "I'm fine, Mr. Payne. It didn't hit me that hard." "Let's just bring you to the nurse. Just to be sure..." He mumbled, lifting you back on your feet gently before leading you to the nurse's office.

Niall: The first day of school was always a bit strange; the awkward first day ice-breakers, learning your classes, or meeting the new teachers. You, somehow, managed to make it through the entire day and now there was only last period left; history. As soon as you stepped through the door, you noticed the sweet blond boy from McDonalds last night in front of the class. "If everyone would just find a seat, we could get started." You took the seat directly in front of him, shocking him slightly when he realized that it was you. He quickly shook of the feeling and focused on what he had to tell the class though he seemed to cut it a bit short, telling the class that they could talk freely while he made his way over to you. Niall pulled up a chair and sat down in front of you, waiting for you to start the conversation. "So, you're a history teacher?" Niall nodded his head slightly, a tiny smile on his face. "Is there anything wrong with that?" You quickly shook your head. "No! No, I mean, I just-I didn't expect the cute, funny guy I met at McDonalds to be my history teacher..." He quickly reached across to his desk to retrieve his phone. "Well, I have your hoodie in my car. You left it at McDonalds," He quickly added. "I thought that if I had it and I ever saw you again, I'd have an excuse to talk to you without if being awkward but i don't think this could be anymore awkward." He tugged on his hair as he fiddled around with something on his phone. "Y/n, I can't leave until 3:30ish but, if you want, you can wait with me and I can give it to you then." "Yeah," You nodded your head, desperately wanting to spend extra time with him. "I need to get my hoodie back anyways..."

Zayn: You were always early to your classes so it wasn't surprising that you beat the teacher to your art class. "Mornin' class. My name's Mr. Malik but you can call me whatever you want." You immediately recognized the teacher to be the beautiful man from the art exhibit and quickly hid the face in your hands in the hope of him not noticing you. You really didn't want him to mention your awkward previous encounter together. Slowly, you removed your hands but continued to keep your face down. "Today, I just want to see your artistic skills. I wanna see where everyone is at. You can draw whatever you want today but you will be handing it in at the end of class." Luckily, he didn't notice you, you think... You found your notepad, while still refusing to look up, and beginning to sketch whatever came to your mind. "That's really nice, you know." A familiar voice whisper into your ear, causing you to jump and rip part of your drawing. "Well," He added. "It's nice to see you again but it looks like you've just ruined your drawing." Just then, the bell rang and you began packing up your things while Mr. Malik was collecting everyone's papers. Grabbing your backpack, you were just about to leave the room when Mr. Malik stopped you. "You didn't accomplish much today, y/n. Maybe you should stay after and you could work on it here." You absolutely couldn't stay after school with him alone. It was already bad enough that he remembers who you are and what you said about him. "No, no. That's okay; I can finish it at my house tonight." You noticed a grin on his face as he replied, "Y/n, everyone else already handed theirs in so you either stay after school with me today or I can't accept this from you. It's your choice." You sighed, nodding you head considering that you really didn't need a 0 on your first assignment. "I'll be here, Mr. Malik." "Call me Zayn..."

Harry: You were completely focused on your phone before the teacher entered the room. Class hadn't started yet but the entire class was already here and just waiting on the teacher. "Good morning everyone. Welcome to your first English class of the year." You were frozen in shock once you saw that Harry, the boy from the coffee shop, walk in, introducing himself to the class. You've been thinking about this man since your encounter at the coffee shop, you even texted each other a few times though they were only playful conversations. "My name's Mr. Styles and I don't exactly have anything planned for today. Since it's the first day of school, I think you should all just have a relaxing day..." He said, taking a seat at his desk and working on some paperwork. "Mr. Styles." You said as you approached his desk around the end of the period. You seemed to have lost all of your confidence as soon as his green eyes met yours. "H-Hi." He laughed, not a small chuckle, no, a loud laugh that made a few people stop talking and wonder what was going on. "Hello, y/n. How can I help you?" He neatly folded his hands together, resting them on top of his papers, as he looked up at you. "Well, like I said, I wanted my English teacher to read this..." You motioned to your collage essay that you were holding. "I already asked if you wanted me to read your essay," You couldn't help the blush that flooded to your face. He chuckled when he saw how flustered you were getting, taking a sip from his coffee. "Would you like me to read it today, then?" You shyly nodded your head. "Ha-Mr. Styles, it isn't quite finished yet but if you could tell me your opinion on what I have so far, that'd be great..." Harry smiled, grabbing your paper from you and setting it on his desk. "I should have finished reading this by the end of the day so if you want to stay after school with me we can have a conversation about it then." You simply nodded your head, not trusting your voice at this point. "Sounds good," You mumbled just as the bell rang. "Thank you, Mr. Styles." You quickly gathered your things seeing as almost everyone had already left. "And, y/n," Harry's voice interrupted you, causing you to stop before you reached the doorway. "I'll see you after school..."

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