1D - #38 He Thinks That You're Cheating On Him

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Louis: Since Louis had been spending extra time hanging out with the boys, you figured that it was only fair that you also got to spend and equal amount of time with your friends. Normally, Louis would approve but, the fact that your best friend was a male, he didn’t like you spending so much time with him. He always believed something was happening every time that you hung out but he always tried his best to trust you. “Where are you going, Y/n?” He spoke up, watching you get ready for something unknown to him. “I thought we had a movie night tonight? That’s always your favorite night…” “I thought that was tomorrow, Lou. I already made plans for tonight…” You said, glancing back at Louis while you were fixing your hair. “Y/n, you know it’s always on Saturday. We’ve always had our movie night on Saturday, no matter what.” He sighed. Through he didn’t want to show it, he was hurt. Every Saturday, you’d both cancel all of your plans and spend some much needed time together. “I promised Jamie that we’d go see that new Disney movie.” “So you’re going to watch a movie with Jamie when it’s our movie night? I didn’t think you were that low, y/n.” He said, slamming the door behind him as he stormed out of the bedroom. You sighed, instantly following him outside the room. “C’mon, Lou. If I would have known that today was Saturday, I wouldn’t have made any plans. It’s already too late for me to cancel these plans…” “Well you know what, y/n!” He said, pushing one of the kitchen chairs over violently. “Go ahead. Go spend time with him because, lately, it seems more like your dating him rather than me.” “You know that’s not true, Lou.” You said, lowering your voice in an attempt to calm him also. “Then prove it! Don’t go with him tonight, y/n. Stay with me because tonight is our night and I want to spend it with you—not you spending it with him.”

Liam: “Don’t you ever get jealous, Liam,” The interviewer said. “No it’s not as hard as it seems but som-” “I mean, especially when there’s pictures surfacing of Y/n with the new guy…” The interviewer interrupted Liam, holding the microphone closer to him. “W-What new photos?” “Right here!” The interviewer says, almost a bit too cheery, pulling these photos out from her note cards. “See, his name’s Tyler. Apparently, Y/n’s been sneaking around with him from the time you left. You didn’t know that, Liam?! It’s everywhere!” Liam quickly took the photo from her hands, examining it. Fuck, he thought, you wouldn’t. You would never, ever, dream of hurting him like that. “Isn’t that Tyler Posy,” Niall spoke up. “From teen wolf?” Liam let out an internal sigh of relief. He knew Tyler and he knew that Tyler had been filming in Los Angeles for the past month, the exact amount of time he’s been away, and you were in London, waiting for him to return to you. “Thank you,” He said, handing the obviously fake photo back to the interviewer “but I’m not worried about y/n cheating on me. She’s got to much respect for herself to do something like that.” 

Niall: “Y/n!” Niall yelled out as he entered your shared home. “I’m home…” His voice softened a bit as he heard you giggling from the living room. He quickly approached the entrance, expecting to see you laughing about a funny movie you were watching but instead saw your best friend, Eric, hovering over you on the couch tickling you. He noticed that Eric’s face was inches away from yours and, he decided, now would be the best time to interrupt. “I said I’m home y/n.” The noise disputes Eric’s concentration and allows you time to slip away from his grip and bound yourself into Niall’s open arms, still laughing as you did so. “What are you doing, baby?” He asks, wrapping his arms around you to pull to against him, glaring at Eric over your head. “I’ve been waiting so long for you to come back today and I was lonely so I told Eric to come keep me company.” Due to Niall’s glaring, Eric decided it was best to leave, quickly slipping out the front door while mumbling an excuse to you. “Why invite him?” Niall growled, pulling away from you slightly. “Why did you have to have Eric come here, why not Sara, or Sammie—whatever the hell her name is.” “He’s my friend, Niall. I was complaining to him about being alone for today and he offered to hang out with me. Is that so bad, Niall?” “Yeah it is actually,” He said, releasing you from his grip and walking away from you and into the kitchen. “You know that I don’t even like Eric but when I come home, he’s on top of you and you’re laughing like you’re having the time of your life.” “So what,” you said following him into the kitchen. “I’m not allowed to have fun when you’re not here?” “You know that’s not what I mean, y/n,” He snapped, grabbing himself a beer. “What am I supposed to think when I walk in on another man on top of my girlfriend, huh y/n? For all I know, you could’ve been making out with him, just moments before.” “A-Are you serious, Niall? You really think I’d do that to you? To me? I didn’t think you thought this low of me, Niall. I’ll go, it seems like you really need to be alone so enjoy our 3rd anniversary alone, surrounded by a pile of beers.”

Zayn: Zayn was practically dying inside. All day, he’d been seeing photos of you kissing some boy— he’d known that he was a friend of yours since he remembered meeting him once when you introduced them—and he needed know if they were true. As soon as you answered the phone call, Zayn’s voice spoke before you could even say ‘hello’. “What’s that photo about, y/n?” Zayn mumbled sadly through the phone, trying his best to hide his emotions but obviously failing. “What are you talking about, Zaynie? I’ve been shopping all day; haven’t been home.” “Yeah, I know. Were you shopping alone?” “Nope,” You said, shaking your head though you knew he couldn’t see you. “Ian joined me. I didn’t want to be completely alone today and I ran into him so it seemed perfect! We spend the day together catching up. Do you know he live about 3 blocks away from us? I thought he still lived in his hometown…” You continued to ramble on about your day but Zayn zoned out. She really was with him today, he thought, but maybe they didn’t kiss. She wouldn’t be talking to me like this if she had cheated on me, right? “Zayn,” You calling his name interrupted his thoughts. “Are you even listening to me?” “Uh, yeah babe. I was only thinking.” “About what?” “You,” He sighed, running his fingers through his dark hair. “And how much I trust and love you, baby girl. Please don’t ever leave me.”  

Harry: “What’s this, y/n!” Harry’s voice bellowed through the room, throwing a magazine on your lap. You observed the cover to see a photo that you had, long ago, taken with one of your exes. That was taken, at least, two years ago, if not more. “So what, y/n? Is it true? Are you actually seeing your ex when you’re seeing me?” Your eyes went wide as he slammed his fist on the table. “You’re being a bit hypocritical, don’t you think, Harry. There are always photos of you with countless amounts of girls—Kendall or Taylor—but I never question you, do I?” You said, throwing the magazine at him, aiming for his head, but he caught it before it could hit him. “I’ll answer that for you, Harry. No, I don’t because I love you and with love comes trust— which it seems that you have none in me at all. Thanks for that, Harry.” You said, running up the stairs and locking yourself in the bedroom. Harry can sleep on the couch tonight, you thought, after everything, he deserves it.

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