You Get In A Car Accident (Ashton)

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Oh my god 6k!!! Thank you guys so much!!


You heard a steady beeping and felt a large amount of pressure on your head. You groaned and opened your eyes, squinting at the bright white lights above you. You turned your head to face the person sitting in the chair beside your bed. A teary-eyed Ashton met your gaze.

"Oh, Y/N, thank God". he sobbed.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I'm so sorry!" You were confused.

"Ash! Shhh it's ok, babe. Don't cry."Ashton sniffled, wiping his eyes and placing your hand against his slightly bruised cheek.

"Why am I here, Ash?" You asked, causing Ashton to take a deep shaky breath.

"We-We were driving home from dinner and..." his voice cracked and he started to cry again.

"And we were singing at the top of our lungs. You told me I was going too fast b-b-but I wasn't listening and we hit another car and..." He put his face in his hands, his shoulders shaking.

"I promised you I'd never hurt you and I broke that promise!" he said between sobs. You ran your fingers through his hair, gently tugging him up so you could kiss his bruised cheek.

"Ash, I'm ok. Please stop crying." He sniffled again and nodded.

"I love you. So much." he whispered softly, placing a gentle kiss on your lips.

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