5SOS - #35 How You Sleep

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Ashton: Ashton would sprawl himself across the couch, falling asleep before you or anyone. It dissapointed you usually but you knew where you belonged even with his shirtless self turned against you. You would rather be his blanket than sleep without him, knowing he's only a few feet away. So you would snuggle yourself up to him, your front pressed to his back. He never minded - he actually loved the feeling of his t shirt against his back as you fell fast asleep on top of him.

Michael: After a long day of stress and loud and arrogant people - you and Michael always needed an escape. That escape was being half naked while wrapped up together. The sheets werent really there for its usual purpose or any reason at all. You kept each other warm. You would nuzzle your nose into the crook of his neck and let your arm fall upon his chest as he just drifted off, listening to the sound of your breathing and his heart beat.

Luke: You guys would sleep through out every day if his schedule hadnt reprimanded him to do otherwise. So when you could - you guys would shut everyone out and just hold onto eachother. Your arms would find his and move in an oddly, comfortable and uncomfortable, way to draw circles with your nails on his arm. You would dig your head into his chest and float your body on his arm. And as he supported most your weight, he would curl his fingers through your hair because he knew it soothed you.

Calum: During the occasional nights that you two chose to cuddle up and watch pointless movies - you would always find your back to his front. He wrapped his arms around your chest area and held on as if you were to disappear at any second. You knew how protective he was over you so you reassured him that you would never leave by wrapping your fingers through his infront of you. You would secure yourself to make sure you didnt fall off either, by securing your arms around his. And you always slept the best those nights.

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