5SOS - #38 Your First Dance (Wedding)

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Ashton: Ashton held onto your waist with his left arm to keep you close. In his vows he had recited his first words to you ever: I know this is crazy but I see something different in your eyes - I think its god trying to tell me that talking to you at least today will become one of the most important things I ever do. It was so strange 2 years ago, you even waved him off, assuming he was crazy. But now you see the truth behind his words - the value - the wisdom. He treats you like his very own special princess and has your hands held together with his hand on your waist. You danced like king and queens would - but you knew the difference between you two and kings and queens. As Truly, Madly, Deeply by One Direction played throughout the dance floor - you knew that he was your prince and forever will be.

Michael: Your arms were snaked around his neck while, instead of being silent as most newly wed husband and wives would do as people surrounded them, you talked about the future. You knew you wanted 2 kids and a nice place in the country but then around the time your kids are 10, you want to move to a big city so they can see what its like both ways. You want to teach them to be humble and loving and selfless and honest. But most of all - you wanted Michael to stay in your future as he will your heart. A Drop in the Ocean by Ron Pope was the song you both chose for your first dance because it was the song that had played while on your first date. 5 years so far with Mr. Clifford - and countless more of being Mrs. Clifford.

Luke: Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran played through your ears. You adored Ed Sheeran - his voice was pure poetry. But you mainly focused on the steadiness of Luke's heart beat. You pressed your ear to his chest to sooth some of the excitement of today. You were already growing tired and loopy but you couldnt let go of Luke. His chin gently rested on top of your head as you just simply swayed back and forth, wanting to be connected in every way. Now connected with wedding bands - you knew that you wish there were more days in a lifetime. More years. You didnt want just 40 some years with him. You wanted infinity.

Calum: As eveyone knew - you and Calum werent the normal couple. You found joys in doing the opposite of tradition. You guys chose to break tradition a little and mismatch covers for the wedding. You were wearing a beautiful red gown and Calum wore a red shirt under his tux. But they told everyone else to wear colors that they pleased. But they specifically called for no gray, black, or white. And instead of the groom placing a rose in the front of his jacket - you and Calum both wore red rose flower crowns. You just loved breaking rules so instead of the slow song for your first dance, you two chose to turn it up a notch by playing DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love by Usher. You danced fast and laughed as the boys broke into a dance battle. It was an incredible night and no doubt, unforgettable.

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