1D - #72 Happy Birthday!

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Harry: Your eyes shot awake when you smelled freshly cooked bacon. You sat up to see Harry slowly opening the door with a tray in his hands "did I wake you up?" "No that delicious smelling bacon did" He opened the door the rest of the way to reveal a full breakfast on a little tray with a happy birthday balloon and a rose in a small vase "Good morning birthday girl" he said resting the tray down on the bed leaning in for a kiss "thank you babe" you said patting the bead next to you to come an sit. "So eat quickly we have a full day ahead of us!" "Harry what are you talking about" "Come on! I have the whole day planned for us! so eat quickly and put this on when you're done" he said pulling a box out from beneath the bed. You quickly opened it revealing a very cute sun dress and sandals. "Oh Harry thank you" "You're welcome birthday girl now eat quick we need to get going" Harry said leaving to clean up the kitchen. You quickly ate a few more things on the tray then headed out the door with Harry. First he took you to a carnival going on and off rides all day then heading to the movies to see a cute romantic comedy then finally ending the day with a surprise dinner at your favorite restaurant with the rest of one direction and your friends and family who you hadn't seen in forever. "Thank you Harry so much this day was absolute perfection" "Well you mom filled me in on your past birthday experiences so I decided to change that and give you the most amazing birthday! I love you birthday girl!" 

Zayn: You rolled over to find a note taped to the head board "Good Morning Beautiful! Happy Birthday! time to start a game! start by going into your closet for a little surprise that will lead you time your next clue love Zayn xoxo" You jumped out of bed to find a full brand new outfit "Put this on a get into your car and turn on your gps it'll take you where you need to go" you ran through the shower and got ready and ran to your car turning on your gps you followed the directions until you realized where you were...where you had your first date. You weren't sure where to find your next instructions so you went into the restaurant and asked the hostess "Umm hi so this is weird but do you have a letter or something?" "awe yea you must be y/n your boyfriend was here earlier this is for you" she said handing you the letter "hey babe! remember this place? and me spilling my drink? Now head off to where I first said I love you" with that you ran out the door to the park not far away to the bench where people sit and feed ducks taped to the bench was another letter. After following many other notes you finally reached you final destination....where you first met. It was at a concert. You had been next to each other the entire night and you didn't notice him until you were outside walking away from the venue when he stopped you. You drove the the small venue and parked outside. The door was open and you walked into the empty place so see all the lights off except for on spot light on the stage illuminating a stool and a microphone. you went and stood in front of the stage as Zayn walked out he sat down not saying a word and started singing little thing acapella when he finished he jumped off the stage in front of you "Happy Birthday y/n! I hope you had fun today going to all the places that we shared milestones in our relationship but the final place is here taking us all the way back to the beginning when I saw you at that concert I never realized that the girl I was standing next to would be the love of my life" He explained getting down on one knee "I love you so much! please make me the happiest man in the world and become my wife?" 

Niall: The boys were on tour when your birthday came around and Niall invited you to come out for a few weeks to celebrate and see everyone. You agreed and were so excited to go and see him. When you arrived at the airport all the boys were standing there surronded by fans Niall had a sign with you name on it and Harry held one that said happy Zayn held one that said Birthday Liam held the exclamation point and Louis was holsing balloons. All the fans were holding balloons and when you came down the escalator they popped off confetti and started singing happy birthday. You ran down the final steps into Niall's arms "Hey babe happy brithday!" "Awe Niall I seriously love you this is amazing!" You went and gave each of the boys and hug then ran back to Niall before saying hello to the fans and thanking them for helping Niall with his plans. You and the boys stayed there for more then an hour taking pictures and chatting with every fan there. You walked out with all the boys helping you with you bags. There were two cars you went to get into the one car where the bags were being put into. "Oh no y/n come here were getting into this one we're going somewhere else" You walked and got into the car behind it and Niall got into the drivers seat taking you to a little coffee shop. It wasn't anything overly romantic but it was nice just sitting holding hands and talking. That was truly the only thing you wanted for your birthday. The boys had a show that night and you were very excited to be there. You were front row which made it even better. In the middle on their set Niall walked to the front of the stage "Hellooooo!! how's everyone doing? Well as you guys know today is someone very specials birthday" Niall explained motioning for security to bring you onto the stage, "So this is y/n but you guys already know that some of you guys were with me earlier at the airport to welcome her here but I thought we could wish her happy birthday again!" Everyone started cheering and taking pictures you got a little shy so Niall wrapped his arm around your waist "Alright here we go...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUU" the entire arena was singing to you for your birthday at the end of the song he reached and pulled you into a kiss "Happy birthday baby girl I love you" 

Liam: Liam had just come back from tour. He was gone for 9 months and you didn't get to go visit him on tour because of your school and work schedule but he was finally home just in time for your birthday! You had just finished your final semester and was on a break from school. Liam had about a month off also before he continued onto the final leg of tour. The night before your birthday Liam surprised you with a home cooked meal. He had the table set with flowers and candles and your favorite meal prepared. You sat holding hands across the table talking about how the tour went and just everything there was never an awkward silence with Liam because you could talk about anything from the most random to the most personal you just loved hearing his voice and he loved hearing your voice. After dinner Liam pulled a cake out from the refrigerator. He cut a piece for the each of you and sat back down. "I'll be right back" he got up from the table and went into the other room and came back with an envelope. "Happy Birthday y/n" He handed you the envelope which held a card. It was a cheesy funny card as you opened the card two pieces of paper fell out. 'What is this?" you asked confused you looked at the paper realizing it was a plane ticket "Liam?" He kneeled down next to you "Its a ticket to London....I want you to come on tour with me come and finish the tour see a part of the world that you've never seen before with me....be a tourist for once" he said with a giggle. You were taken back at first not knowing what to say "well?" he asked. "Well I mean is everyone okay with that? like management and the rest of the guys?" "Of course they were the ones who came up with the idea because when I'm not around you I'm lost and I guess I'm not good at covering it up so everyone noticed and knew this would be the best way to solve it" "Well in that case I'd love to go, I hate sleeping alone and you not being here with me I would love to go with you!" 

Louis: Your favorite band was coming to your town where you and Louis lived. Unfortunately the tickets sold out very quickly and you couldn't get tickets. Your friend had gotten a ticket from someone else and promised to take a ton of pictures of the lead singer for you. The day of the concert was your birthday and you were pretty sad about not going so you just wanted to stay home and have a lazy day with your boyfriend. Louis made you breakfast and after watching about 7 movies from a tear jerker a comedy now onto horror it was getting later and you two had spent the entire day in bed. Louis got up and pulled you out of bed "Go get dressed I'm taking you out don;t wear anything to fancy but not sweatpants" He said giving you a kiss and leaving the room. You got up and got dressed and walked into your living room to see Louis dressed standing by the door "ready?" "Louis where are we going?" "it's a surprise just trust me" he lead you out the door to the car and drove away. After a while of driving you saw a lone of people down a street then you saw the marquee that had the name of your favorite band "Louis why are you teasing me driving past here?" You asked as he drove past the venue "Because were not going through the front door" "What?" with that Louis pulled tow tickets out of his pocket handing them to you "Happy Birthday" You screamed taking the tickets out of his hand and leaning over kissing him "Holy shit thank you so much I seriously love you!" Louis pulled behind the small venue turning off the car and helping you out leading you through the back door. You heard your favorite song being played as Louis took out to the front of the stage while your favorite band was on stage doing soundcheck. They finished and jumped off walking towards you each one giving you a hug. They all knew your name and that it was your birthday and your internal fangirl came out and you had to hold back from screaming and crying. "Alright y/n we have to get ready for the show the doors are about to open enjoy the show!" the lead singer told you giving you another hug "There's a special place in the front row for you and Louis" the drummer said with a wink. You ran right to the barricade right in front of the stage pulling Louis behind you. THe doors opened and people stared running in and before you knew it the place was filled with people. A little later the show started and you had an amazing time singing and dancing around to the music and Louis stood next to you watching you cracking up.  

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