How He Is While You're In Labor (Michael)

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I think this is extremely cute -- even for me!


"So Michael y/n is pregnant isn't she?"

"Yea she's actually really far along she pretty much can go into labor at any second so I'm dragging her around with me everywhere we go" you were giggling to yourself as you sat in the audience with your very big belly sticking out watching them do their interview. You felt a little pinch in your lower stomach and you shifted in your seat Michael looked over to make sure you were okay and saw you uncomfortable.

You felt something...strange. You stood up quickly and looked at Michael and he realized what was happening

"I'm so sorry I know this is live but y/n's water joke broke" Michael said running off stage to your side. Everyone in the audience looked over and awed. Michael picked you up carrying you out of the studio to his car waiting outside. He raced to your house making you stay in the car while he ran to get the hospital bag.

You laughed to yourself as he ran out of the house bag in one hand drinks in the other and a bag of chips in his mouth. He dropped everything in the backseat getting in the drivers side racing to the hospital.

Labor started fast and was rough. You laid on your side holding the rail on the side of your bed as Michael rubbed your back. The doctor came in to check like he did pretty frequently.

"Oh wow you're almost fully dilated shouldn't be long now I'm going to put some scrubs on and Michael you need to put on some covers also and we'll get this going" Michael came in in a blue covering and hat. You giggled to yourself seeing how cute he was. You asked the nurse to take a picture of him for your  baby book which the nurse gladly did.

Michael was wonderful at your side whispering compliments and encouragements. It took longer then you would have liked to push the baby out but when you did felt so relieved. You and Michael decided not to find out the sex of the baby so the doctor paused a second the lifter the baby up

"Congratulations it's a girl!" you thought Michael was going to lose it

"A girl? I have a baby girl!" He said kissing your face and running over to the table she was laying on as the nurses cleaned her up. He ran out the door into the waiting room where your parents were sitting with his parents, Calum, Ashton and Luke and your friends were all sitting

"It's a girl!" he shouted running through the doors. Everyone one cheered and gave Michael hugs

"I'll come back out for you guys when you can come back and meet her" Michael ran back into the room with you sitting holding her in your arms

"you two are the most gorgeous girls I've ever seen in my life"

"Hey Cora you want to meet your daddy?" you asked handing her to her father. You saw a single tear fall from his eye

"Cora Clifford I'm your daddy you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen aside from your mommy I promise I will never let anything happen to you you are daddy's little girl!" 

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