★First Impressions★ (Harry + Niall)

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"Stop worrying y/n." Liam says, dragging you behind him as he pulled you towards his apartment. "They’ll love you."

This was going to be your first time meeting the boys and you wanted them to like you. Liam had been your best friend for such a long time and he had wanted you to meet them for the longest time but you’d been putting it off.

“You don’t know that, Liam.” You mumbled under your breath.

“I do.” He said. “I’ve told them a lot about my best friend. Now they’ll finally be able to actually know you. Now,” He stopped abruptly, causing you to crash into him. “They’ll probably tackle you as soon as we walk in cause they’ve been waiting to meet you all day.”

You nodded as he unlocked the door. Just as Liam predicted, 4 rowdy boys ran up and hugged you tightly; Harry and Niall being the first to wrap their arms around you.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you y/n.” Harry whispered into your ear, his hands squeezing your waist.

As they all released you and dispersed into the room, Niall and Harry made sure to stay closer to you than the others, practically refusing to leave you alone. They even sat on either side of you on the couch.

“We should watch a movie,” Louis said, flopping down onto the couch across from you. “Y/n, you can pick the movie since you’re the guest here.”

You smirked and decided to find the cheesiest movie you could find. “Here,” You said holding up the notebook causing them you groan. “We can watch this.” 

“Why do we have to watch that?” Zayn whined followed by Niall, “Yeah, I don’t wanna watch that.”

Harry sent you a quick smile when your eyes met his. “You said she could choose, Louis. You have to deal with her choice now and, besides, The Notebook is a really good movie anyways.”

“Of course you’d say that, Haz.” Liam said. “We all know that you fancy, y/n!”

Harry’s face immediately became red. “I-I just met her, Liam. I only know what you’ve told me about her…”

Harry seemed to be relieved that the movie had begun to play and everyone focused their attention on that instead of him.

“I’m hungry.” Niall said halfway through the movie. “Anyone want anything?”

You sighed, not wanting to move, but nodded, following Niall into the kitchen to see what there was to eat.

“It’s nice to meet you, babe. From everything that Liam’s told me, you sound like an amazing person.” He said, leaning down to look into your eyes. His lips were inches away from yours, slowly leaning down to connect with yours, but was soon it was interrupted.

“C’mon guys,” Harry said, clearly surprised at the scene he walked in on, as he appeared at the doorway. “We’re-ah-we’re waiting for you.” He was obviously nervous as his eyes were directed towards the floor, his arm rubbing his neck and his face extremely red.

“Actually,” You said, trying to break the awkwardness in the room. “It’s getting late, I should be going.”

“I’ll walk you out.” They both said at the same time, glaring at each other as soon as they finished speaking.

They both walked you to the door and sighed, leaning against opposite sides.

Niall was the first to hug you, his arms wrapping around your waist and squishing you against him. “We should hang out sometime, y/n.” He whispered into your ear. “We could get drinks or something…”

He pulled away and sent you a quick wink before Harry engulfed your waist in his arms, squealing as he lifted you off the ground.

“I want to take you out sometime, love. You’re absolutely amazing.”

Your eyes widened as you pulled away.

The only thought in your mind was;

What am I going to do?

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