You Get In A Car Accident (Luke)

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You had just left your job after an awful day at work. The customers were rude and your boss wouldn't get off your back. You got into your car, praying it would start without a problem. You had gotten your car worked on about a week ago and it had cost you a fortune.

After a few tries, the engine sputtered to life and you pulled out of the parking lot. As you pulled up to a red light, you heard honking behind you.

"I can't go anywhere! The light is freaking red!"  you yelled at nobody in particular.

Suddenly, your car was hit from behind sending you lurching into the intersection and right in the path of an oncoming car. When your car stopped spinning you rubbed your head, feeling a small cut.

You threw your door open and sat on the ground. The front of your car was crushed. Eventually you heard sirens and someone sat down next to you. A cute blue-eyed paramedic put his hand on your shoulder.

"Hi. I'm Luke." he smiled sympathetically, pointing to the cut on your head.

"Let's get that checked out, yeah?"

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