1D - #69 You Take Him To Your Hometown Sports Team Game!

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Ha ha ha ha ha the number preference ;) yeah hey hey hey ;) ik you get it ;) 69 ;)

lmao im gonna shut up now -- excuse my dirty mind :P


Harry: You grew up in a hockey house. Every game your hometown team played your family would get together and watched so when the boys had a day off the same day as the hockey game you knew you had to take Harry. Your dad let him borrow one of his jersey’s so he would blend in. Harry knew nothing of hockey so you and your dad sat him down trying to explain the basic rules but after the first few you lost him but you assured him that as soon as he started watching it would all make sense and you had to make sure to explain to him that when your were in “game-mode” you were a little crazy so don’t be scarred. ;)

Niall: You always loved baseball. Growing up you played it with you siblings in the back yard and even went pretty far with your schools softball team so when Niall offered to go with you to a game you couldn’t refuse. Your two greatest loves coming together. Niall had picked up a little of what the game entailed but the large amount of time you spent talking about it so he knew the basics but he was more interested in spending time with you then paying attention to the game. When you got to the stadium you walked hand in hand to your seats and sat and watched the players stretch on the field “I’m so happy you came Niall!” “I am too I love spending time with my girl especially with something she loves so much! when you’re happy I’m happy!” 

Zayn: Football was your life. Ever since you were born you and your dad would sit on the couch for pre-game 4 quaters of the game and then post game screaming and shouting and cheering at the tv. For your birthday your dad got you really good seats to a home game against your teams rivals and you asked Zayn if he wanted to go since your dad couldn’t he was more then happy to go with you. The day of the game came and you went to the stadium and walked in a Zayn looked confused “what are those lines on the ground?” “Those are the yards” “The what I thought we were going to a football game” then you figured it out Zayn was anticipating his version of Football not American football “Ohhhhh no Zayn this is football” pretending to throw a ball “not football” you explained pretending to kick a ball. you laughed to yourself and sat in your seats. “So how does this game work exactly” you spent the entire pregame explaining how football worked to a very confused Zayn. 

Louis: You and Louis had met at a soccer game and naturally that was one of the many things you bonded over in your relationship. For Christmas your parents got you tickets to go and see your hometown professional soccer team play with Louis. Both you and Louis were so excited to go a see the game that you both shared such a passion for. A few days before the game you and Louie went out and bought brand new jerseys for the game and planned on getting there early to tailgate for a while before the game started. You and Louis were so excited for the game even if it was just a a few games into the season you were just so excited to go and see them play. 

Liam: Your friend had spare court side seats to a basketball game in your home town that she gave to you. Neither you or Liam were entirely huge basketball fans but decided to go thinking it would be fun to go to your hometown for a night. Your seats were courtside so you had perfect views of everything that was happening. You knew some rules from playing with your grammar school league so you had a decent idea of what was happening so you gave a few hints to Liam on what was happening but neither of you were overly interested in the game since you spent most of the game making fun of different players and when a few were huddles together guessing what they were saying. It ended up being a hilariously amazing night spent with your amazing boyfriend!

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