1D - #44 First "I love you"

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Louis: "You just don't understand y/n." Louis said, closing the door behind him as he followed you inside. "Then explain it to me, Louis! You had to interrupt my date for no reason at all! And you keep saying that I 'don't understand'." You said, sitting down on Louis' couch, sighing. "That's because you don't, y/n. I'm sorry I crashed you first date with that dork. I know you think you were having fun but I could see in your eyes that you weren't. I saw that every time he was talking, you were completely uninterested in everything that he was talking about." Louis huffed; sitting next to you, attempting to pull you onto his lap but you quickly resisted and pushed him further away from you. "Stop it, Louis. I'm mad at you, right now! Now he's probably never going to want to see me again and why? Because you were jealous that I wouldn't be able to spend all my time with you. C'mon, Louis, admit it. You were jealous." "Fine," Louis said. "I was jealous. I don't like the fact that you have guys chasing after you because I'm in love with you, y/n, and I've felt this way for as long as I can remember."

Liam: "So did you have fun tonight, y/n?" Liam asks, gripping onto your hand as you walked through the park. "Of course, Liam. I've always wanted to have a boy win me a stuffed animal at a carnival like one of those cheesy movies." You chuckled, stopping to look at the night sky and stars above you causing Liam to stop also. "It's pretty, huh?" "Yeah," You mumbled, turning your head up to look to Liam, who was staring at you with eyes that were almost as bright as the stars. "Thank for taking me here, Liam. Hopefully we can do this more often..." "Of course we can, y/n. I plan on doing so many things with you in our future because I love you and I'll do anything for you, sweetie."

Niall: "It's fucking freezing out!" Niall groaned, pulling you closer to him in an attempt to have you warm him up a bit. "Don't complain, Niall," You laughed, pulling him alone with you as you went towards the ice rink. "You promised me that we'd do whatever I wanted to do today and I want to ice skate." "We'll you didn't tell me it'd be fucking freezing here..." He grumbled, releasing you from his grip as you started to put your skates on. "What did you expect, Niall?" He sighed and pressed a kiss to your lips. "Y/n, you're lucky that I love you 'cause I would never do anything like this for anyone else."

Zayn: "That's beautiful, Zayn. How long have you been working on this?" You said in awe, crawling on his lap and observing the painting that Zayn was working on. "Only a few days but I haven't really done anything but this. It's for charity and I really just want to finish this before the end of the week but, right now, we've got more important things to worry about." "And what would that be?" You giggled when Zayn lifted you up and threw you onto his bed. "I missed you today. I think we have some catching up to do." He said before attaching his lips to yours. "God," He said, pulling away from you and resting his forehead gently against yours. "Y/n, I love you so much. You have no idea..."

Harry: "You can't be serious right now, y/n." Harry said, following you into the house, stopping the door before you closed it on him. "Oh, I am, Harry, and I'm honestly getting tired of this. I thought tonight was about me and you but then, of course, you have to ruin it by leaving me to go talk to your friends. Tonight was supposed to be special but you had to do that? Didn't you." "Damn it, y/n, stop this!" He said, pulling you into his chest and you instantly forgave him. "I love you. I love you and only you! You should know that by now."

So I'm gonna be starting dedications, beginning at the first preference, so comment babes and I'll choose:) Thanks!

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