1D - #39 A Day On The Town w/ Him

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I don't know really know if this is really a 'day out on town with him' but if you have a better suggestion for a title, please message me :) thank you all!

Louis: "But this store is so girly." Louis whines from behind you as you pull him into Victoria's secret. "That's that point, Louis. And anyways, I need some new lingerie due to that fact that someone loves tearing them off of me..." You giggled, looking at a few pairs of lingerie that you think Louis would like, holding one against your body and facing Louis, asking for his opinion. "That looks nice baby. Maybe you should go try them on for me. That way we know how amazing you truly look before we buy them." You laughed as he pulled you towards the dressing room enthusiastically.

Liam: "Do you want to go here?" He mumbled, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you closer to him. "Are you insane?" You laughed. "Liam, I could never afford anything that's in that store!" "I'm paying, y/n. I already told you that I'm not letting you pay for anything today. This is me making up for we I was on tour when it was your birthday." "I don't want to spend your money though..." He shook his head, "Please, I heard you telling your friend how badly you wanted to go to this so please let me and, anyways, I love spending money on you because if anyone deserves it, it's you"

Niall: "This looks so good, oh my god." Niall practically moaned as he bit into his cheeseburger. "How's yours, y/n?" "Good," You nodded, as you saw Niall sneakily take a French fry from your plate. "Hey, that's mine." You whined, taking one of his onion rings. "And that was mine." He chuckled, taking another one from you. "Stop it, Niall." "Nah, I'd rather have French fries then onion rings." "Oh my gosh, then switch. I want you onion rings anyways." "Deal," He says, switching them quickly. "It was completely worth it." He attempts to say as he stuffed his mouth with the fries.

Zayn: "That's not fair," He mumbles as he follows you outside the park. "I should'a won that." Zayn is a competitive person so when his lost to you at soccer, he became such a sore loser. "You were just off your game today, Zayn. It was a completely fair game, maybe Louis just taught me a few things and I'm better then you are now." You boasted as you heard Zayn huff from next to you. "I'm still better then you but I chose to let you win today because I didn't want you to be disappointed in losing to your skilled boyfriend." You laughed and pulled him to a stop. "Okay, Zayn. Then maybe we can go home and you can prove to me that you were just letting me win..."

Harry: "Just ignore them, y/n." He whispers, pressing his lips to your ear for only you to hear. "I'm trying but it's not that easy." You turned your head towards the ground, trying to ignore the rude comments that the paparazzi are shouting at you both. "Can you please get out of our way?" Harry says to them, gripping onto your hand much tighter as he led you into the shop. As soon as you were in the shop and out of the sight from the paparazzi, he turned to you. "I'm sorry about that, y/n. I didn't think that it would be that bad. I just wanted to spend the day with you but they have to go and ruin it and I'm so so-" You cut him off with a kiss. "It's okay, Harry. You can't control everything and we're alone now so let's just enjoy our relaxing day together, okay?"

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