5SOS - #23 Love?

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Luke: You wanted to strangle her. That bitch that stole your best friend. She was so fake it nauseated you. You don't know why Luke was dating her. Well now it wasn't even dating, more like getting married in a matter of time. He proposed to her exactly nine minutes ago. It really upset you. You didn't exactly know why, though. It hurt you to see him with other girls, especially this one. You've felt this way for quite a while. And I guess standing outside in the crisp air looking at them made you realize how you actually felt about Luke. So I suppose what you felt was... love.

Ashton: Ashton was staring at you, not in a creepy way; you're just something that he gets caught up in a lot. He looks at you all day, but has to snap out of his trance when he remembers that you're his best friend. Friend. When he thinks about it too long it makes him fell like his heart is shattered. But that's the way it is, that's the way it's always been. Calum walks up to him and pats him on the back. "I see the way you look at her," Calum says. Ashton tries to play it off cool by acting confused but they both know what Calum is talking about. "If that's not love, I don't know what is."

Calum: I don't know if it was because you grew up with him and have known him all your life or because he is one of the funniest people you have ever met, but somewhere along the way, you fell for him. He's your best friend, though. And you have a relationship with him that you just don't want to ruin. But watching him play with all of the adorable, little puppies has made you understand that you can't just tell him how you feel. Love is a strong word. And you can't just all of a sudden tell him you love him.

Michael: I'm almost positive that being stuck inside all day has brought you to a conclusion that you're one hundred percent sure about. And it's not the conclusion that you're sick, because you already knew that. And it's not the fact that Michael has been on his feet all day bringing everything you want and need directly to you either. But it is the fact that while you have this person who you really care for getting things for you, it's making you realize that he would do anything for you. And considering your new realization, you made another realization about Michael. You realized you felt something for him. You cared for him. But you also felt this deep affection for him. Maybe it was... love?

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