1D - #70 How You Tell Him You're Pregnant

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Harry: You waited until you went to the doctors and her the baby’s heartbeat for the first time before you told Harry. You found out your were pregnant towards the end of January and thought it was perfect to pretend you had an early present for him. You went out and found the most perfect thing: a beanie just like his daddy. You put the hat into a box and wrapped it and waited for him to come home when he did you were sitting in the living room with the box next to you. Harry came in and flopped next to you exhausted from rehearsal. He planted a kiss on your cheeks and looked at the box “Ummm y/n my birthday isn’t for another few weeks what’s that for?” “an early birthday present” You handed the box to him waiting his reaction. He pulled the lid off and lifted the tiny hat up and looked confused until he realized what you were trying to tell him and a huge smile came across his face. “Are you pregnant?” He asked and all you could do was shake your head. he jumped up and was so excited and picked you up spinning you around “I’M GONNA BE A DADDY!” 

Niall: You and Niall had only been dating for about 6 months when you found out you were pregnant. When you waited the 5 minutes for the pregnancy test and saw those two little lines your heart sank. You were a little happy but also scared of Niall’s reaction. Then you tried to figure out how to tell him you were trying to decided if to do it with a gift or to just tell him but then you decided that you would go and try to find a small guitar. You went to a few store until you found a very tiny guitar and you knew that was perfect. Niall was coming over later that night and then would leave for a rehearsal the next morning so you decided to get a small case for the guitar and leave it on top of his guitar and leave it for him in the morning. After Niall went to bed you crept out and placed it on his guitar case. You woke up with Niall the next morning and made his breakfast after he went to leave and found the little guitar case and picked it up and opened it “what is this?” He asked. Until he looked on the back to a little note “I’m Pregnant” that was attached to the back. “y/n are you pregnant?” He asked “yea can you believe it?” He was a little confused and worried but he started laughing “Well alright then” He took both guitars gave you a kiss and headed out the door. 

Louis: Louis had been away for a while visiting his family in Doncaster while you stayed at the flat you two shared in London. One morning you woke up feeling awful. You didn’t think much of it and just stayed in you pj’s all day thinking it would pass. The next morning you woke up feeling better your friends called to go out for lunch you were fine until you got to the restaurant and saw plates on a table waiting to be taken away with a half eaten cheeseburger on it. You felt your stomach tighten and nausea overcome you and you ran to the bathroom. After you decided just to go home. Your friends texted you wondering if you were feeling better and jokingly said ‘hope you’re not pregnant’ your stomach sank no remembering your last period. You put your shoes on and ran to the store to get a pregnancy test. Those few minutes felt like hours and then it came back with the two lines that confirmed it…you were pregnant. Louis was to be home the next afternoon and you decided that you two had been dating for sometime and he would take the new relatively well so you went to the store and got a small pair of toms that matched the ones that he wears. You left the box on the table that would be the first thing he saw when he walked in the door. You waited in the kitchen not wanting to see his reaction. He lifted the lif to the box you had left the shoes and the pregnancy test in. “Hello y/n I’m Home!?” you heard him drop his things “what is this?” you popped around the corner “surpise!” there was a huge smile on his face and he ran and grabbed your waist pulling you in for a kiss.

Zayn: You and Zayn had been friends since before he auditioned for X Factor and you always had a small crush on him. Recently you started dating and things went really fast but you were fine with that. Until your period was late you tried to convince yourself it wasn’t anything until it was 2 weeks late and you knew it was time for a pregnancy test. You took your best friend with you and made her go in and get it in fear someone would spot you and it would be all over twitter before you could tell Zayn. She bought a couple of tests and you two went back to the House you shared with Zayn you took each once back to back and within seconds of each other came back positive. you looked at all of them “well shit” you sat back in shock. “how you going to tell Zayn?” your friend asked “no idea”. “you should do something cute like get matching daddy and baby hats” “that’s actually not a bad idea” you and your friend went to the store and found matching hats and got them wrapped and left them at the front door so he would see them as soon as he came in. You heard the door open and you got really scared that he would be upset. “Hey y/n?” you came into the living room “What is this?” “Ummm baby and Daddy matching hats….” you felt tears well up in your eyes terrified he was mad. “Oh my God babe!” “Are you mad?” “no not at all I’m having a child with the girl I’ve loved my whole life the girl that loved me before all of this! I love you so much!” 

Liam: Even though you and Liam weren’t married you both were excited by the idea of being parents. You were in the bathroom while Liam sat on your bed waiting. You opened the bathroom door “SO?” he asked “hold on it’ll take 3 minutes” he looked at his watch an counted down the seconds you both closed your eyes and looked to see the words ‘pregnant’ you both looked at each other with huge smiles. “Holy crap I’m going to be a dad!” “yea you are!” then a look of terror came over his face “How am I going to do this?” “Liam you are going to be the most amazing father any child could ask for I know it it’s scary now but this will all work out!” “I can’t believe it! oh y/n I love you so much!”

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