You Get In A Car Accident (Michael)

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It was 3 in the morning and Michael shot awake knowing something was wrong he rolled over to your side of the bed and you weren't there he ran downstairs and you weren't there either. He grabbed his phone calling you it went straight to voicemail and his heart sunk knowing something bad had happened.

Then the phone rang and the voice on the other end of the phone told him to come quickly to the hospital that something had happened. Michael jumped into his car driving as fast as he could to the hospital and ran to the desk

"My girlfriend she's here please" he gave them your full name and they escorted him to see you but before letting him in they told him that you didn't look your best and to prepare himself for what you looked like. They opened up the curtain and Michael lost it running over to you. You were still in a neck brace and on a back board. Your face was bloody and there were tubes and wires coming out of you from every direction

"hey Mikey" you manged to half smile.

"Awe baby are you alright what happened?"

"I was pulling through the intersection and this guy didn't stop at the stop sign and hit me he was drunk" He planted a kiss on your lips

"I love you okay"

"I love you too mikey I'll be okay just stay here with me"

"I'm right here I'm not going anywhere and you better not either" Michael I'm not going anywhere" The doctors came in and said they were taking you up to get a CAT scan of your head and your neck and spine to make sure you were okay. Michael let you upstairs and sat down waiting for you when he heard commotion down the hall

"I tell you I ain't drunk that girl pulled out to fast it's her fault"

"Sir you need to sit down with the police so we can draw blood to determine your blood alcohol concentration"

"I told you I didn't drink" Michael knew it was the man who caused you accident and ran down the hall

"You're a real asshole aren't you? If there weren't two cops here I would kill you you know that right the love of my life might not make it through the night because you're a douchebag" One of the cops put his arm around michael

"Son listen to me I would love to let you kick this guy ass but I can't you're going to have to go back to your girl man" Michael wiped his face and walked down the hall

'If you guys needs help holding him down you know where I'll be" he shouted turning back into your room. A few minutes later they brought you back downstairs into the room.

"So?" Michael asked the doctor

"she is very lucky she doesn't have any problems with her spine or neck she does however have a pretty bad concussion but this is her first one and she's young and healthy so she'll come back quickly she'll need to stay overnight just so we can watch her and along with the concussion she does have some swelling in her head but that's relatively normal with such high impact accidents but she'll be fine we're sending her to the icu just because of the swelling we'll keep a close eye on her and have her out of here within the next day or two"

"Thank you so much doc you don't even know"

"Of course Mr.Clifford if there's anything else either of you need don't hesitate to ask" He shook the doctors hand a gave you another kiss

"you're going to be alright baby"

"Thank god Mikey"

"Don't ever scare me like that again"

"I promise I won't as long as you stay here with me"

"I'm right here baby"

"That's all I need to know".


And please go check out my story, The Devil and I, only 1 chapter is up and 2 will be up soon! It's a pretty good story that my co-owner of this account is working on!

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