1D - #51 How You First Meet

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Liam: You were walking down the streets with a few of your girlfriends, just shopping and doing what you normally did on Saturday afternoons. Seeing as it was almost Christmas, it was a perfect time to buy gifts for your family. You find yourself looking into one of the window displays for a minute, but when you turn around, your friends have gone. "Guys? This isn't funny." You said, almost embarrassed that you weren't really talking to anyone in particular, but too annoyed to pay much attention. So instead you decided to keep walking, you had your phone in hand texting them to see where they've gone to, when someone bumped into you. Not being very happy at the moment you snapped at the man. "Who do you think you-" you took a good look into his gorgeous brown eyes. It wasn't until you took a step back when you realised it was the famous Liam Payne. "I'm so, so sorry." He said after what seemed like an eternity of a comfortable silence. "No, it's alright." "Are you alright?" He asked after seeing you in a bit of a frustrated state. "Well my girlfriends just kind of left me and I have no idea where they've gone off to." "Well if you don't mind, I can help you find them." He smiled lightly, you eagerly responded with "Thank you, that'd be great." Lets say you didn't even bother looking for your friends.

Zayn: You were finally going to the Ed Sheeran concert you've been waiting for for almost nine months. You were just slipping on your high waisted mauve jeans and tucking in your over-sized Ed Sheeran t-shirt. You were going with your best friend, (Y/BF/N). You had back stage passes so she was going to meet you there, at the back of the venue. You slipped into your car after just quickly fluffing your hair. When you got to the back door you were nearly trembling in excitement, about to meet one of your favourite artists. You showed the men at the door your VIP pass and they let you in with a slight scoff. You walked in to see (Y/BF/N) sitting on a couch in front of one with three boys on it, you could tell that one of them was Ed because of his red hair, and then there was one who was obviously a guard and then there was a head of slicked black hair. "(Y/N)." Your friend smiled as you came closer, still shaking. All three of the men stood up to introduce themselves. Ed welcomed you with a smile and a kiss on your cheek, the body guard nearly ignored you and the black haired boy suddenly became very familiar, "Hi," he smiled, leaning in to kiss your cheek. "you look lovely." he smiled, causing a blush to rise to your cheeks. Zayn Malik had just complimented you, your favourite member of One Direction. "Thank you." You tried to smile and play it cool, but it obviously wasn't working. When Ed went on stage you were able to watch from the side, your friend on one side of you and Zayn on the other. After the concert, before you had the chance to leave, Zayn gently tugged on your wrist, "Do you happen to like Nando's?"

Louis: You were standing quietly in a park watching as your dog ran around with the others. As soon as your dog started to run of course you commanded him to come back, "(Y/D/N)" you called, and as the obedient little dog he is, he came back and sat at your feet, you patted him on the head and took a seat at a near by bench whilst shooing him off to play again. The same thing happened, so you just called him back, and he came. Once you shooed him off again, you noticed a man sit on the other side of the bench, but not too far away. "How did you teach him like that?" he asked. As soon as he had, you recognized the voice. You turned to look at him, he turned and smiled, he reached out to shake your hand "Hi I'm-" "Louis." You finished with a smile plastered on your face. You shook his hand viciously, very excited. "Fan?" He asked amused, you nodded your head, only for him to say, "Me too." before asking for your number to 'help with his dog.'

Niall: You had gone to school with Harry, and he happened to be your best friend. You guys had basically been bes friends since your first year one class. One day, you were sitting around at home watching a 1D interview on the television. You had been texting Harry and you could tell when he got them because he would make your signal move which was scratching his nose and then coughing twice. you giggled as you watched Niall give him a dirty look. You had a huge crush on Niall and the only one who had actually known was Harry. During the commercial break you got several texts back from Harry, one said Were all going to come over after? okay?xx and you responded with And Niall? xx he hadn't responded back because the show had come back on. You quickly rushed to your room to change and do your hair. Once they had arrived you had been super nervous. You were sitting around a table eating dinner when Harry leaned over and whispered "Don't be so tense, I'm pretty sure he's got some secrets too." "Harry!" you squeaked. Everyone looked up and your face went red, "Sorry." You mumbled, "Can I talk to you for a minute?" Niall asked standing up, you gulped and stood up. What he had to tell you was definitely something you had been waiting to hear.

Harry: You smiled to yourself as you sunk into the chair in your local Starbucks, you had a coffee in hand and you had finally gotten the chance to relax after you spent the week arguing with your ex about who gets the furniture and such. You were definitely over him. "Um excuse me?" Someone asked, you looked up to see a very handsome, familiar face. You straightened up on the seat you were sitting in. "Yes?" You asked as calmly as you could. "I was wondering if you could help me. Is anyone sitting here?" He asked gesturing to the empty seat across from you. "No, please sit. How can I be of help?" He sat there for a second, just staring, "I actually have no idea, I just really needed an excuse to talk to you." You smiled to yourself and a blush rose up your neck and to your face. "I'm (Y/N)" You smiled gratefully, "That's a lovely name." He smiled.

5SOS and 1D Preferences & ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora