● Q ・ A ●

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Pls do mind that i was very sleepy doing this qna lmao.



Glad you all could join me today." A young woman smiles as she sat down on her little throne. Abright and shiny tiara sitting atop of her head. She wasn't dressed in anything fancy. Just a grey sweater and denim shorts.

And some teal colored converses.

"Oh my shit." Namjoon gasped, "Jinnie look." He says pointing at her fabulous shoes, but all Seokjin could do was sigh.

"What the hell are we doing here?" Yoongi wonders looking around. Jimin followed right after "Where are we even?"

The said girl sitting on the throne giggles nervously and stood up from her throne. "It doesn't matter where we are. But before anything else, let me introduce myself!"

Jeongguk raises a brow, narrowing his eyes at the rather short and young looking girl.

"I'm Mirah! I call myself the Potaeto or Potato princess." Mirah giggled

"A princess?" Seokjin gasps :3

Taehyung tilts his head, "Potaeto?"

"Sh!" Mirah interrupts before fixing her tiara. "Let me make this real quick. You're all from a fanfic I'm an author of."

"All the series of events that's been happening to yall? We all know that shit." She chuckled nervously

"..that's so creepy oh my god." Junghyun shuddered.

"And on a saturday, I asked beloved and amazing readers to ask you all some questions!" She grabs her iPad from the table beside her. "I want you all to be a dear and answer these questions for my lovely potaetoes!"

"Don't worry! I'll ask you all privately." She claps

"I'll go first." Hyerin beamed walking up to Mirah but Mirah held out a hand. "Nope, Yoongi's going first you hoe."

"Why the hell is she here too?!" Namjoon scrunched up his nose, looking disgusted at her presence

"Don't question anything. I'll be questioning the questions here so shush." Mirah tuts,

"Now then, let's start!" Mirah smiles before yanking Yoongi inside a room.


Suckseok: When are you getting back with jimin?

Yoongi chuckled lowly, "Soon I tell you, soon."


_peachyjinnie: go marry jimin
_peachyjinnie: oop that wasn't a question^

"I intend to do that anyway, so don't worry." Yoongi smirked, Mirah meanwhile squeals. "OTP."


levirivalle345: How did it feel like when the cockroach crawl up to you?

He cringes at remembering that moment, "You don't know how horrified I was when the cockroach even crawled to my arm."

"And call it hell when I had to stay quiet." He clicked his tongue.

Mirah sweats, "yeah, sorry about that."

"About what?" Yoongi asks



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