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Harry's POV... ( oh shat )

I stood back watching from afar the sight of Cassandra and Ben standing before a small white tailed deer Ben slowly putting his hand on the deer's head petting the beautiful creature. The small deer's beauty couldn't compare to the beautiful creature named Cassandra though, she intrigues me. I don't know what it is though... Maybe it's her long curly locks of hair that cascade down her small petite body reaching just above her perfectly shaped bum or maybe it's her forest greens eyes that pull me in every time I dare to look into them. Or could it be her soft smooth skin that feels like silk under the touch? Or is it her... purity?

Something I dream of taking.

'Stop it Harry! This isn't you.' I scream at myself

'But it is.' I say back, the darker side of me showing its true colors

'You don't want to hurt Cassandra do you?'

'Why wouldn't I?' The darker me speaks back

I do this all the time, fighting with 'him'. The one that controls my actions, the one everyone sees as 'crazy' or 'psychotic'. It's like a never ending battle and yes sometimes my thoughts are darkened for he tells me how great it is and how much more fun life is.

'Cassandra never did anything to you' I say back hoping to convince this so called me

'No, but she will just like every one else did.'

'No she won't so just leave them alone.' I reason

'Yes she will!' he yells back

'No she won't, why can't you just understand that!?'

"YES SHE WILL!" the darker me yells no longer in our mind but out loud.

Cassandra and Ben's heads snap up in my direction with frightened expressions as soon as they see who it is.

"Now look what you did!" I yell at 'him'.

"Oh shut the hell up!" he booms back.

"I said game on Cassandra and guess what, I never lose!" He said running towards them.

Cassandra quickly grabs their things and takes hold of Ben's hand running as fast as their legs would take them.

'Stop your scaring them!' I yell

'This isn't you Harry.' I finish

"Yes, it is me! And you're ME too!... Unfortunately." He says the last part.

He was right. I was him and he was me, we are one but it's like two different brains with two different thoughts and actions. All he wants to do is harm Cassandra, like in the bathroom, I was the one that made us get the piece of glass out of her foot but he's the one that started to dig deeper even after the glass was out trying to make her cry wanting to see the pain she was in to be written on her beautiful face. I couldn't stand to watch it anymore and with all my will power I made him stop his actions by running out of the small hall bathroom.

"Once I get a hold of you Cassandra I'm going to put you through so much pain you'll be begging for me to stop!" He laughs evilly.

"I didn't mean that-" I try to yell out only to be stopped by 'him'.

"I said shut the hell up!"

Cassandra's POV

Me and Ben are just standing there petting the white tailed deer when all of a sudden I hear someone yell,

"YES SHE WILL!" I quickly turn to where the voice is coming from only to wish I hadn't.

About 30 feet away stood the man, Harry.

"Now look what you did!" Harry yells suddenly out of the blue

What's his problem? I knew he was crazy but like really? Talking to himself?

"Oh shut the hell up!" a much deeper and darker voice booms through the forest.

I didn't even have time to think before the same raspy voice yells again.

"I said game on Cassandra and guess what, I never lose!" With that I quickly gathered our things throwing them in the back pack and gripping Ben's small arm dragging him further into the woods not daring to look back for I know he's chasing us.

"Cassandra..." Bens soft voice spoke..

"Yes." I said trying to keep my breathing even though it was close to impossible for my asthma was still acting up.

"We're going to die aren't we?..." He trailed off.

My heart broke knowing he was right but I can't let him know I think the same thing. I must be strong and be a good role model. I blink the few tears back putting on my best smile saying,

"I promised, didn't I?" He nodded his head.

"I don't break my promises either." I reassured turning back to look at where I'm going only to hear Harry's voice yell again.

"Once I get of hold of you Cassandra I'm going to put you through so much pain you'll be begging for me to stop!" An evil laugh leaves his lips.

"I didn't mean that-" He didn't mean that?

What is wrong with that man? I turn completely facing ahead of me making sure I don't trip and fall or hit a tree. I turn around to be surprised when Harry is falling behind. He's probably a good 25 feet behind us, just as I smile thinking every thing is going to be fine the unthinkable happens. I hear a gun fire but it doesn't hit me.

I feel Bens grip loosen till nothing's there to hold on.

I turn to find Ben laying face down.

"BEN!" I cried.

Harry shot Ben. Harry shot my brother. HARRY shot Ben...


Don't hate me.... Please

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