Shard 3

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"Mom, Dad, where are we going?" 

"Shina, we are just going to visit grandma, okay." "Now buckle your seat belt."

"Yay! We are going to grandma's house!" "Be a good girl and don't steal cookies."

"I will, I promise Mom!"

It's another piece of these memories again. Did we ever made it to grandma's house? I want to know. This is so frustrating! 

I turned across the bed to see the alarm clock that read, 7:51 a.m.

"OH SHOOT! SCHOOL!!!! WHY DIDN'T THE ALARM RING!! I'M GOING TO GET BUSTED!" I shouted as I jumped out of bed. 

I hurried to get ready. I stuffed a piece of toast in my mouth and opened the door.

I ran down the hall to a elevator. I hit the down button. The elevator door didn't flinched. I started "stabbing" the button. "Screw it, I will take the stairs!" I shouted. I ran towards the staircase. What is this morning karma or something?! I decided to do the rail style (where you put your butt on the rail and slide down). I slide down and ran towards the exit. 

I had to run to school. When I got there, it was 8:38 a.m. Made it in time! As I walked in, a person rushed in behind me. My senses knew well not to turn around, but my body did it on it's own.

"Oh, Morn'in" Kaito greeted. 

Why didn't I listen to my senses!? Now I know why we never met. BECAUSE HE ALWAYS COME TO SCHOOL AT THIS TIME. I usually get here at 8:00, but there was an "incident" today. 

"Oh, you came in late too" Kaito said. "Don't group me in with you! I just have a........accident today that's all" I shouted back. 

"What did you pee in bed this morning or something?" he asked. "Hell no, what do you think I am, seven?" I replied. 

"Maybe. You are very childish and annoying" Kaito added. Like he's the one to talk. Man, this is going to be a long year after meeting him.  

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