Shard 18

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I tip-toed around his room. "I can't find it!" I whispered to myself. It was dark and the only light source came from the broken window. Then I tripped over a leg of the chair. 

"What are you doing, sneaking around here?" Kaito asked as he saved me from the fall. I felt something wet on my arm. I looked at Kaito. "I-I, I just-" I got cut off. "You broke through my window too" Kaito pointed out.

Just then, the clouds blocking the moonlight moved away.  It lit up the room. I was shocked when I realized something.

HE'S NAKED! Wait, what is he even doing? Oh wait there's a towel covering that "area."

"W-What are you even.........doing?" I asked as I covered my eyes. "Shouldn't I be the one asking that question? I just got out the bath" Kaito replied as he ruffled through his wet hair.

 I backed off of him and turned away. "I-I'm looking for my ramen" I mumbled. 

"What did you say?" Kaito asked as he started to walk closer to me. "S-Stay far away!" I cried. "Don't you there come any closer to me!"

Kaito's footsteps stopped. "I'm looking for my instant noodles" I replied. "Oh, those extra sodium cups" Kaito added. I got irritated.

"What did you.......say!?" I shouted as I turned around without thinking. My face went blank. I turned back around instantly. 

"The bag that you left behind right?" Kaito assured. "Y-Yes" I replied. "The ones you paid your money with."

"I remember seeing it somewhere.....I just don't know exactly" Kaito said. "Why are you even caring for those things?"

I snapped. "YOU SEE, THEY ARE A ONE MEAL EACH! I EAT THEM THREE MEALS A DAY MOST OF THE TIME! AND.....and you paid...for them" I shouted as I turned around again without thinking. 

At that moment when I turned around, the wind blew the towel off of Kaito's body. My face went blank. I saw all of it with the moon's light. 

Author's Note:

How do you like that? Shina has now became "impure". Isn't Shina a bit of a Maruchan freak? 

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