Shard 11

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"And I would like to keep that promise, even now" Yuu said with a straight face.

I think this cappuccino is poisoned. My face still lied there blank as snow. 

"I'm sorry if this is putting pressure on you, but it's all on your decision" Yuu added. "N-No it's not bothering me, it's just's very sudden" I said. "Please, take your time to think about your answer" Yuu said. "I-I will" I lied.

There's no way I can think of an answer to that question. What should I do?

Yuu paid the bill. Which was very expensive. But the sad thing was, I lost my appetite after hearing that so half of the food was a waste. 

"T-Thank you for today!" I said as we left the coffee shop. "No, it was an honor meeting you again. Maybe next time (when your wallet is saved up to max) we can invite Nishikki-san along as well" Yuu suggested. 

We waved goodbye and went our own separate ways. 

My heart was still racing really fast. I need to take a bath after this. I went straight back home.

I pushed the elevator down button (the one that is used to call the elevator to you). The sad thing is, the elevator didn't budge a bit.

"My god! Not you too!" I shouted at the elevator. I decide to take the stairway. "When I get up there I'm gonna reward myself with some refreshing ice cre-"

"Oi, watch where you're stepping!" Kaito shouted at me. I looked at him.

Just shoot me already. I forgot that I still have to deal with this dude.

I look down at where I'm stepping on next. 

Oh, it's just his phone.

"What a pain you are. Why didn't you take the elevator?" Kaito asked as he grabbed his phone. "How come you are sitting on the stairs?" I asked. "Never mind that, where did you go?" Kaito asked. 

Should I tell him. Nah......He will be a jerk so let's not. Wait, but maybe he could help with some good advice. I'm a genius!

"Say, what if you made a weird promise to someone about your future with them and yet that person is still keeping that promise, but you don't know anymore?" I asked as I sat down next to him.

"What? Is that what happen to you?" Kaito said back. He saw right through me! He's too good.

"N-No no no, I-I was just........asking that's all" I lied. "S-So what will you do if you were in that situation?" I asked again.

"Dunno, it depends on what you think. Do you hold any feelings for him?" Kaito asked as he remove his headphones. "No, not that I think of" I replied. Kaito's face turned a little more serious at this point.

"So, do you like him?" Kaito ask. 

"I told you already, I don't!" I shouted at him. "Never mind, thanks for your help anyways." I got up and started the stairs again.

But all of a sudden, Kaito pulled me down and cornered me to the wall with his hands. I look at him. He was serious.

"What are you d-"

I never got to finish what I had to say because right there, Kaito's lips touched mine's

Author's Note:

And that's how her first kiss was taken. That's how almost every anime kiss scenes are (*////*). Did you expect that to happen with Kaito or Yuu first? I'm gonna go take a break now. 

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