Shard 24

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"I suppose you didn't hear. It's okay, I thought about hosting his birthday party over at my house" Yuu said. "W-We're celebrating it!?" I cried. "Yeah, I mean he is one of our childhood friend" Yuu replied. 

"November 30th. November 30th. Wait, isn't that this week Saturday!?" I shouted. "Y-Yes" Yuu said. "T-Today is what?" I asked. "It's Monday" Yuu replied. 

My face went blank. "THERE'S A 50 PERCENT OFF SALE TODAY!" I remembered. "I forgot all about it! I'm sorry, Yuu, but I need to go!" I apologized as I packed up all of my stuff. "S-Shina!" Yuu shouted after me. I closed the door.

How could I forget such a deal at the supermarket today? Whatever it is, the sale is over at 9:00 p.m! I can make it if I take the shortcut. I must hurry, I really need some bread for breakfast!

I quickly rushed out the Karaoke building. I started to sprint. I took the shortcut and got there at 8:21 p.m. 

When I got inside, I realized that it was gonna be a nightmare. There are dozens of people crowding in there. There's no way I'm giving up! I grabbed the shopping basket and charged in with full speed.

"Excuse me! 'scuse me! Excuse me!" I called out as I hurried through the crowd. Then I tripped over something. Crap, I'm gonna fall!

"Aren't you suppose to be at the Karaoke place with Yuu?" Kaito asked as he saved me from the fall, again. "W-Why are you here?!" I asked as I quickly moved away from him. 

"Me? I came here to buy some stuff" Kaito replied. "Did you leave Yuu behind?" 

"Oh, I did. I came here to buy some bread that's all" I said as I walked away. Kaito didn't follow me this time. What a relief. While I'm here might as well buy some things. 

I made it in time and got out the store at 8:58 a.m. My god, is it just me or I never retrieved my ramen from his place? What a drag!

Author's Note:

Didn't that scene right there remind you of One Punch Man? When she finally realized she never got her food back. I wonder how's Yuu putting up with this. After all, Shina just left him suddenly after realizing something important. Isn't Kaito such a gentlemen? He saved her again from a fall. (^v^)

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