Shard 17

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I shut the door behind me and slowly slid down to the floor. 

"My god, he's so annoying" I said as I touched my lips. Then I quickly ran to the sink to wash my mouth.

Why did he do such a thing to me?! It's not the first anymore, it's the second time! And what was with that......."it's not a lie." Anyways it's too much to take in.

I started to pack away the groceries. Then I realized that I forgot one bag of grocery as I checked the receipt. 

Don't tell me I left it at the store. Or maybe......maybe, no, it can't be. There's no way I left it outside of his room. 

"Let's see if it's an important item. If it is, let's go retrieve it, but if not, don't worry about it" I said as I picked up the receipt again. 

Maruchan. (She bought two cases of it).

Eh, no way. I left that thing behind out of all things?! I got to go and retrieve it then. I'll do it at night.

Night came, I got prepared for the worst. I carried a vegetable knife and a pepper spray just in case something wrong happens. I left my apartment room and headed on this mission.

I got to his apartment room. The lights were off. I supposed he's asleep. Thank god!

The door to his room is locked so I decide to go through the window. Yes, this requires extra work. But for Maruchan, I won't give up. I sneaked through each floor and used the peach tree (it's very big) outside the apartment building as an ladder. 

I finally got up to his window and it was already cracked opened for me. I opened it wider and got in with the secret agent roll.

I looked around. Why is there a fat dude on the couch? Crap, I'm in the wrong room. 

I had to back out and go in the one next door. Unfortunately, his windows weren't cracked so I kicked it in. Yup, I kicked through the glass. I did it gently so it won't wake him. (Don't try this at home, kids! It's impossible to kick in a window silently.)

I got in and looked around. Yes, I got in his room! Wait, why am I being so happy about being in his room? Oh, better hurry and retrieve my luxurious item.

Author's Note:

I just love her personality. So cheerful! What do you think will happen next? Will she be able to get her ramen back?

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