Shard 14

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We got outside the apartment building at last.

"My god, how much do you weigh?" I asked him (to be honest I wasn't limping all time while carrying him). "About 130 pounds" Kaito replied. I looked at him. 

He could've broken my left shoulder just now!

Then all of a sudden I remembered what I need to do today. "Oh yeah, I need to go shopping!" I cried. Kaito looked at me.

"You're going for the bargain, too?" Kaito asked. I looked at him. 

Too!? I wished I never said it out loud. This dude is going there as well!

"You wanna go there together?" Kaito asked. "Hell, no!" I replied.

But we still ended up going there together anyway. We walked all the way there to the grocery store.

There was a lot of people there. "Welcome......Shina!" Yuu greeted as he looked over my shoulder to see a tall black haired dude. "Kaito?"

"Yo, long time no see, Hayama" Kaito greeted back. Is it just me or the atmosphere has changed, negativity?

We got our shopping baskets and started shopping. Kaito followed me. That ain't right.
I went to the Ramen aisle to buy what I need. 

"Those things contain a lot of sodium, you know" Kaito commented as he picked up one of the cups. I snapped.

"Oh really, Mr. 140 pounds" I replied. "I don't weigh 140, I'm 130. So get your facts straight" Kaito corrected. "140, 130, same thing. You're fat either way" I added. 

This is what's gonna happen when you insult my favorite food.

When we were done buying stuff, we headed towards the check out line. Believe me, it was one heck of a line. But soon enough, it was finally our turn.

"That will be 1870 yen (17 USD), please" Yuu said as he finished Kaito's groceries. When it was my turn, "That will be 2950 yen (27 USD), please" Yuu said with mine's.

I reached in my pocket and realized that it was empty. Just shoot me right now. I literally forgot the most important thing. What am I gonna do?

The line behind me started to chatter. "I don't thing she has any money."  "She's holding up the line!" 

Yuu looked at me and realized what's going on. "Shina, I wil-" Yuu got interrupted.

"2950 yen right? I'll pay for it" Kaito said. I looked at him. 

What is he scheming now?

Author's Note:

I personally love it when the hero comes in and saves the heroine. Just like what's happening right here, but all of you on Yuu team, your chance is coming, don't worry. I have enough for both to share. (^u*)

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