Shard 9

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"Just to see how crazy you are on the weekends" Kaito replied as he got up. "I-I'm not crazy. And stop stalking me!" I said.

"I'm not stalking you. I'm just bored" Kaito corrected. 

What am I just a toy to him or something? This dude is getting on my nerves. 

"I'm going somewhere today so can you not" I said. "Where are you going?" Kaito asked. "Just to meet someone" I replied as I started walking towards the elevator. "Who is this someone?" he asked. 

I'm started to get pissed off just answering his stupid questions. He bend down to see my face (he is literally 179 cm and I am 166 cm). 

"What a face. I'll catch you up later then" Kaito said as he parted paths with me.

About time he did that. I got into the elevator and pushed the lobby button. I had to hurry now because of that incident. I decide to run to the coffee place.

"Yuu!" I called from a distance. "S-Shina" he said back. I caught up to him.

"Are you okay?" Yuu asked. "I'm fine. Just need to catch my breath" I replied. It took a couple of minutes. I mean like, after running three miles in five minutes less, it's hard.

We went inside of the coffee shop.

"What would you like? Don't worry it's my treat" Yuu insisted. You made a mistake like that my dude. I'm a beast when it comes to sweets. So say good bye to your monthly worth of salary for treating me.

The waitress took our order. "So, what would you like to discuss about?" I asked awkwardly.

"It's about our childhood" Yuu replied. "I want to restate everything so it can be clear to you as well. You see when we were little, we were best friends."

The waitress came back with our order and placed them on the table. I took a sip of my cappuccino. 

"This includes me, you, and Kaito" Yuu continued.

I choked on the drink (thank god that she didn't cough it out). "W-What!?"

No way, I became friends with the demon as well! This doesn't make any sense anymore!

Author's Note:

This makes stuff extra interesting don't you think? Now I want a cappuccino too. (*3*) 

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