Shard 53

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Kaito looked at me and smiled. "You're old self was rude, stubborn, selfish, but yet I fell for you" Kaito replied. "I was that kind of person, huh?" I said, ignoring the last part. "You were pretty nasty at times, but that what makes you, you" Kaito added. "I see. So what's your name again?" I asked. "I'm Kaito Nishikii. The blonde haired boy is Hayama Yuu. The other girl is Yuki Hinamo" Kaito replied. 

"For some reason, I want to go back to my past self. I want to be with everyone again" I began. "My past life sounded really fun and I want to experience more with you guys!" I continued. "W-Why am I crying?" I looked down at the white sheets as the drops of tears splattered down. Kaito looked at me and smiled. "I've got a plan" Kaito said as he leaned over to my ear and whispered something.

I woke up due to the sun's light shining in through the broken window. I looked around my bed and saw Kaito resting his head on the side of the bed. I sat up and moved out of the way as quietly as I could. I ran to the door and opened it.

"Oh, Shina! You're awake!" Yuu said. I closed the door. "Hey! What's wrong?!" Yuu started pounding on the door. I crawled all the way back to my bed. Kaito grabbed my foot. I turned around and looked at him. "Be careful. There's glass" he warned me. I looked ahead. There was shards of glass from the window he broke through last night. "Don't you need to pay for the window?" I asked. "Just pretend I never did it" Kaito replied as he got up. Yeah, like whose gonna believe that bullshit!

"Shina, I brought some apples for you!" Yuki said as she came in the door. Yuu followed in from behind. They looked at the window and looked back at us. "It's okay. We already know who would do that kind of shit" Yuki said as she sat down in the chair next to me. Yuu sighed. "What have you done this time, Kaito?" Yuu asked. "Nothing much" Kaito replied. 

Yuki handed me a plate of apple bunnies (Google this! It's amazingly cute!). I stabbed one of them with a toothpick (how cruel) and ate it. "It taste good" I complimented. "I know right! I love these too" Yuki added as she took one of my plate. Bitch, put that thing down.

Kaito and them left the room as soon as Dr. Kamizaki came in. "Alright, let's do the daily check up" Kamizaki said. He looked at the ground where the tubes were unplugged from last night and sighed. "This might take just a bit longer than usual" Kamizaki added. Shoot me.

When the check up was over, I was free to roam around the hospital. Like who the fuck wants to roam around the goddamn hospital?! I went anyways. I got up and walked down the halls of the hospital.

"Are you going to the lantern festival, Usui-kun?" this girl asked the boy in the wheelchair. "Maybe, if i get release early before it begins" he replied. "Then let's go together! I want to eat some candied apples!" she cheered as she pushed him around in the wheelchair. 

I looked at them and realized that that was what Kaito whispered to me! I guess I could go. I mean like, I don't think I have any severe pain anymore. Isn't it tonight, though?

Author's Note:

Who wouldn't like a good lantern festival? I mean there are fried octopus, cotton candy, teriyaki, takoyaki (octopus balls), dumplings, dango (Japanese sweet), candied apples, and much more food to eat. Plus there's some firework display! But why am I setting this festival out in the middle of winter? My stupid ass.

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