Shard 51.5

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Grandma's Story:

Shina's family was going to visit me and my husband, Yamazaki (grandpa). They were coming over because Yamazaki was in his death bed, sick. They plan to get here on May 28th, around typhoon season. But before I knew it, I received an phone call from the local hospital saying that a kid with the same blood as me survived an car accident. I got up quickly. I knew that it was her that had survived. I rushed to the hospital as fast as I could. 

The Nurses didn't know that I was her grandmother so I had to fight them a bit. Then one of the nurses was kind enough to welcome me into her room. She called the doctor, I forgot whatever his name was, and told him that I was her grandmother like I told her. The doctor got up and walked towards me and said these exact words:

Your granddaughter is diagnosed with Daiklodia. An extremely rare brain virus. It's also known as the, Reset of Life. There's one tiny virus leaving inside her brain in the hippocampus compartment. The good thing is that, it won't reset constantly since it's so small, but it will refresh her memories at least two or four times. From my knowledge of this disease, it activates as soon as they remember the memories they lost before. It's basically a forever-not-knowing-your-past-self thing. The memories usually start coming back to you in your dreams in fragments most of the time. As soon as you received all of the pieces, the virus activates and refreshes your memories clean. When I mean by that, I mean to whatever she experienced up into now, it's gone. It's like the badder version of amnesia. 

In this case, this is her first time resetting her memories. It was triggered from the car accident. Most likely a hit on the head during the accident. That caused the virus to start the resetting. Basically all she is right now is a new born child. I'm very sorry ma'am for these tragic news.

That's what the doctor told me that day. I was in tears, feared that she will not have a future waiting for her. So I told myself not to say anything to her about this. I was scared that the next time she restarts, I won't be there next to her, no one will be. I raised her on my own since she lost both of her parents and grandpa. 

When she was old enough to be on her own, I let her go see the world. I send her allowance every month so she has a little spending cash to live on her own. 


"That's why I was so relieved when she made so many friends. I was happy that when I'm gone, someone will be there next to her" Mashiro concluded as she wiped her tears. "May I ask who was the doctor who told you this?" Kamizaki asked. "I don't remember his name, but I know that he was a very kind red haired person" Mashiro replied. "Red haired? Oh wait, Doctor Jun!" Kamizaki said. "It's him, my older brother!"

"Excuse me, but can I go use the restroom?" I interrupted. Kaito looked at me. "Stay in bed" he said coldly. Mashiro looked at him. "I've been wondering this for a long time now, but are you her boyfriend, ex maybe?" Mashiro guessed. 

Author's Note:

This grandma is too good when it comes to love. Her story was quite depressing, isn't it? That's what happen after the car accident. So many people died. But I like it! That's what makes things so good. Daiklodia, isn't a real disease, neither is all of this crap I put into describing this disease to you. I made up this entire disease. I'm warning you again for "those" people out there.

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