Shard 30

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Me and Kaito walked home together. I didn't start any fights with him this time. I just wanted a relaxing day so, I didn't bother him. Kaito looked at me. Then he quickly leaned down and pecked me quickly on my left cheek. I backed away from him quickly. 

"W-What did you do that for?!" I cried. "Just for entertainment" Kaito replied. This bastard, he's still treating me like a toy. 

As soon as I got back to my room, I went to the bath. Kaito's birthday eh? Like I care about this. I don't even want to celebrate a birthday with someone like him. I sank my head into the water and came back up. "I'm going to bed early tonight" I declared.

I went to sleep and realized that I can't sleep. I got up and hit my head on the wall and went to a deep slumber.

"What are you planning to give to Yuu for his birthday, Shina?" Kaito asked me. "It's a secret!" I replied. "Eh, no fair. Tell me" Kaito begged. "Okay, but don't tell Yuu. I'm planning on making him a bracelet" I whispered. 

"Bracelet? Isn't that only for girls?" Kaito commented. "Well, it can be. But Dad said both genders are fine with bracelets" I added. "What are you planning then, Kaito?"

"Me? I'm going to give him a book he always liked reading" Kaito replied. "Book? What book?" I asked. "Have you heard of "William Shakespeare" before? Well, Yuu loves reading them. So I decided to give him the book, "Macbeth" for his birthday" Kaito explained. "William Shakespeare? I think I heard of it before" I said.

"Well, his books aren't that bad. I actually enjoy some of them" Kaito added. "You like William Shakespeare?" I asked.  "Yeah, I like them" Kaito replied as he blushed a bit. "No way, you're gay!" I exclaimed. "Huh? No, what are you talking about Shina!" shouted Kaito. "I like his books that's all." "Oh, I thought you meant the actual person" I said.

I woked up with my head covered in dried blood (the wall). "Gay? Where the hell did I learn that word from?" I asked myself. 

Author's Note:

Kids, don't try hitting your head on the wall so you can go to sleep. Shina is just an mentally ill person so don't follow her. You've been warned.

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