Shard 35

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When we were done with the problems, we handed the papers back to Kaito. A couple minutes later, he told us the results. "Yuu, you need to work around your periods and dates in the History section. Shina, you need to work on poetry in the literature section " Kaito said as he handed us more stacks of paper. 

"Why you! You're not even working nor studying! You're just sitting there reading manga while we work!" I complained. "Shut up. I'm helping you two so just appreciate it" Kaito replied. "Shina, just ignore Kaito" Yuu said.

I looked at the new problems he gave me. My face went blank. It was all about poetry, my weakness. "Do you need help?" Yuu asked me. "Y-Yes" I replied. Then all of a sudden, I thought of an idea. I looked at Yuu. Yuu looked at me. We grinned at each other.

A couple minutes later, we handed the paper back in to Kaito. Kaito scanned through them and said, "I'm happy that you two thought of an idea to do this, but you won't be able to cheat off of each other during the actual exam." "Why don't you just shut up and tell us how we did!" I shouted at him. "He's right, Shina. We can't do this during the actual exam" Yuu agreed. Not you too, Yuu! Don't fall for Kaito's dirty tricks!

After a couple hours of studying and Yuu's mother intruding in to give us snacks. It was 7:00 before we knew it. "Ahh, I feel a lot smarter" Yuu said as he yawned. I looked at my last problem. It was a math one too. I just felt like not doing it for some reason. Kaito looked at me and sat down next to me. I looked at him and asked, "What do you want now?" 

"Do you need help?" Kaito asked. "No thanks! You could've asked a long time ago" I murmured to myself. Once I finish the question, I turned in the paper.

"You didn't do half bad this time" Kaito said. "Half bad?! The fuck you be talking about! I poured my heart into this paper and yet all you say is half bad!" I shouted at him. "Shina, calm down" Yuu said. "All you did was sit there and read Fairy Tail!" I added. "Yeah, what's wrong with that? I don't need to study" Kaito said. "If you have nothing to study then maybe you should study your heart and realize how black it is!" I yelled at him.

"Now, let's not fight. Calm down both of you" Yuu said as he tried to stop us. "Do whatever you want. I'm going home" Kaito said as he got up and left. "K-Kaito" Yuu said. "Don't worry about him. He should have left a long time ago" I added.

Author's Note:

What should we do? Kaito has left them! I mean it was his fault in the first place giving them work like that while he's reading Fairy Tail. Now just saying Fairy Tail, you guys should watch the anime. It's super good! I recommend it. I'm getting off track now.

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