Shard 8

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"I-I'm sorry, but I don't remember talking to you" I replied politely. I can tell that gave him a shock.

"Do you remember the promise that we made?" Yuu continued. I shook my head and picked up the basket. "It's fine. I didn't mean to put you in pressure."

We went to the counter to check out. "That will be 675 yen ($5.95 in USD) please" Yuu said. I gave him the money and left the store. 

I looked on the receipt and I was surprised. There was something written on the back of the receipt. On the back it said:"Meet me by the local coffee shop at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow. I would like to say a couple of things.

What? Should I go? Nah...I'm better at home. What are we even going to discuss about? 

I walked back home and cooked myself some Maruchan ramen. I sat down in front of the TV and started eating. 

Why does everyone know what happen, but yet I'm sitting ducks here! I want to know....., but who should I trust first? Kaito or Yuu

It's definitely Yuu because he's way nicer than him. But I wonder if they are lying to me or not. Tsk, if they lie to me, I will chop of their heads.

The very next day, "What time is it?" I asked as I woke up. I look at the alarm clock, 12:27 p.m. 

"We have no school today, so let me sleep in a little longer." 

Wait, wasn't there something I need to do at 1:30 today? OH MY GOD!! I SERIOUSLY FORGOT ALL ABOUT THAT!

I quickly got up and got dressed. I grab some bread and stuff it in my mouth and head out the door.

"Yo, Good morn'in" Kaito greeted as he took my picture (wasn't camera ready with bread in my mouth). 

"What are you doing out here!?" I shouted at him. 

Author's Note:

Can you guess what's gonna happen next?  (-3-) 

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