Shard 51

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Their faces look shocked. "What did you say just now?" Yuu asked. "You fucking kidding me! This is not funny! Snap back to life Shina!" I looked at Yuu. "I'm sorry. I don't remember any of you" I apologized. Kaito looked at me. "Do you know who I am?" Kaito asked. I shook my head no.

"Alright. Makato-san, we'll begin our questionnaire" the doctor said as he sat down in the chair next to me. "I'm Doctor Kamizaki, it's a pleasure to work with you" Kamizaki introduced. Kaito and Yuu's faces were surprised. "K-Kamizaki May's Father?!" Yuu said. "May, Yeah. I'm May's dad. How is she doing back in Tokyo?" Kamizaki asked. "S-She's doing just fine" Kaito said. (Stalking boys, yeah.)

"Do you remember your name?" Kamizaki asked me. "N-No, I believe it's Shina, since you guys kept saying it around me" I replied. "How about your last food you ate?" Kamizaki continued. I shook my head. "What abo-" 

"Doctor, don't you see this is not going anywhere?" Yuki commented. "You're right, but I want to see how far can she remember. Right now, I believe she has amnesia" Kamizaki replied. Then all of a sudden a nurse busted in the doors. "Kamizaki-sensei!! She has it!" the nurse shouted. The doctor looked at her and was shocked. The nurse shook her head.

"She doesn't have amnesia. She is diagnosed with daiklodia" Kamizaki corrected. "Huh?" Yuki asked as she got confused. "It's a one-out-of-million disease. Basically it's tiny brain virus that lives deep within the hippocampus in the medial temporal lobe of the brain" Kamizaki explained. "Hippocampus?" Yuu said as he got confused. "That's the section of the brain that associates with memories" Kaito explained. "Very good, boy. You can become a neurologist one day" Kamizaki complimented. 

"Nino-san, hand me the daiklodia file in the cabinet room" Kamizaki ordered. The nurse bowed her head and left. Right when she left, Grandma came in. "I suppose it's time where I tell the story to everyone the truth about Shina" Mashiro said. She came next to me and sat on my bed. 

Author's Note:

Now here we go! The truth of Shina's past after the car accident and the disease, Daiklodia (Die-Cloy-Di-Ah) is getting explained. It's not real. Don't google this. It's fake. I just made it up because it sounded like some real disease. You've been warned. Speaking of amnesia, anyone watched an anime called, "Amnesia?" It's romantic and did I mention how cute boys are in there! It's so good! I ship her with Shin! It's like Diabolik Lovers all over again. I really need to stop doing this. FOCUS!

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