Author's End Note

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Those that reads it instantly as soon as it came out.

Those that reads it once in a while.

Those that reads and forget their chapters.

Those that read this for fun.

Those that left off in the middle to do number 2.

Those that read it for anime.

Those that read it for romance.

Those that read it because they want to.

Those that never read it.

Thank you very much for your support/views/comment/votes throughout this story! It means a lot to me. It really motivated me to finish writing this piece. I was supposed to be done with this like a week ago, but you know procrastination hunts around you. 

My goal for this story is 300 views or more. I'm almost there! This story is long, but each one is pretty short.

Did you understand the ending part of the story? If not, comment down below. I ship KaitoxShina so much! Should I do a extra clip for this story? I might do one when I feel like it. About their "futures" maybe? Comment below if you think I should.  

Support me in the next one of you will! If you haven't read it yet, it's called, "Where in your world do I belong in?" Please go check it out if you haven't done so yet. And follow me if you haven't did that yet as well. 

Of course that story will have romance. I couldn't write a book without the most important spice!

~Thank you very much for your time!~ 

For some reason, I sound like an youtuber all of a sudden. (*o*)

  ~Domo Arigato~  

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