Shard 44

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A week later, nothing has changed between me and Kaito. We stayed distant pretty much. At least Yuu still comes to school everyday now. I was walking down the hall one day, during lunch break and spotted a crowd around the school bulletin board. I walked over there to see what's going on.

"Hey! Look, Nishikii-sama topped the school again!" this girl said. "He's so cool and smart!" another girl added. The scores of our exams are out already, huh? Let me see where I am ranked at! 

I pushed through the crowd and made my way to the front. I searched down the board to find where my name was placed at. I was at 17. Well, that's good enough. I searched down a couple more rows to find where Yuu was ranked at. Yuu was at rank 33. That wasn't bad. But the one that was bothering me was up there. Kaito, at 1st place. Screw that bastard! 

I pushed my way out of the crowd. Then I tripped over someone's foot and started to fall. "Are you alright?" Yuu asked as he caught me. I looked up. Why am I expecting it to be Kaito? "Y-Yes, thank you" I replied. I could hear the bitches in the background making hissing noises at me. Is it just me or is this place a snake petting zoo? Not so far away, Kaito was right there looking at us with a juice box in his mouth. Shit.

After school, I decided to ask Yuu if he wanted to come to Hiroshi Onsen. "Yuu, if you want, do you want to go to Hiroshi Onsen with me?" I asked him. Yuu looked at me. "S-Sure, have you asked Kaito yet?" Yuu said. My face blushed. "W-What?! Why would I ask him?" I argued. "Aren't you guys dating?" Yuu insisted. He's right. We are dating. But why can't I ask him? Am I scared?

Yuu looked at me and said, "I'm pretty sure Kaito will listen to you." I looked at him. "Thanks, Yuu" I thanked him as I handed him one of the onsen ticket. I ran out the class, down the stairs, and stop at the shoe lockers room. I looked up and pointed at Kaito standing at his locker. 

"You!" I shouted. Kaito ignored me and started walking away. "Wait!! I thought we were dating!" I shouted. Kaito stopped and tuned around to look at me. "Cut the crap already! Are you going to treat me like your girlfriend or-" I covered my mouth. The hell am I saying?! This isn't what I'm suppose to say! My face started turning red. Kaito started walking closer to me. His right arm smacked into the wall blocking my way. I looked at him.

Kaito looked at me and said, "How does it feel to be the one doing this all the time?" Kaito asked. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. "The one who says embarrassing things  with a calm face" Kaito replied as he leaned in and kissed me on my lips. "It's about time you should fess up already" Kaito said. I looked away.

"I-I like you............probably" I replied as I looked away. Kaito smiled at me.

Author's Note:

When stupid people doesn't listen to you. Ah, Kaito, you're too good at this! And what's with your response, Shina? "I like you, probably." Any Junjou Romantica (POPULAR YAOI ANIME) references? How much I just love that anime! I recommend it. I need to stop.

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