Shard 29

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Kaito's face was shocked as well. "H-Hello, uh, we are, um is Yuu, here? We are his classmates" I greeted nervously. The monster lady looked closer in my face. My sweat began to increase rapidly. "Ah, Shina-chan!! Kai-kun!!" the lady shouted as she squeezed both of us in her arm. Her perfume had a strong smell that gave me an headache. 

"Sorry, I'm Yuu's mother, Chiho Hayama" Chiho greeted us as she invited us inside. MOTHER!!? Yuu looks nothing like you! There's no way! Is the dad a supermodel or something then?

"It's been a while hasn't it, Kai-kun" Chiho said. "Please, call me Kaito" Kaito corrected. "Kaito-kun, you sure did grow tall. So did you, Shina" Chiho continued. She led us upstairs and knocked on Yuu's door. "Yuu! You have guests!" Chiho called. 

Yuu opened the door. "Yo, Yuu" Kaito greeted. "Kaito, Shina, what are you guys doing here?" Yuu asked. "Please come in." "Sorry for intruding" I apologized as we went in Yuu's room.

I looked around. It's so damn clean! It's totally different from all the other boys room I imagined! "What are you, Captain Levi?" Kaito commented. "Not exactly" Yuu replied. We sat down around a small table. 

"So, why are you guys here?" Yuu asked. "Oh, I came to check on you, since you weren't here today at school" I replied. Yuu looked at Kaito. "I just followed her" Kaito replied. "Cut the crap man! Don't make it sound so weird!" I cried. Yuu began to laugh. "I'm sorry, but this really makes me think of our past" Yuu said. Kaito laughed as well. 

I didn't laugh. After all, I don't remember anything from my past. Yuu looked at me. "Don't worry, you will remember it one day" Yuu encouraged. I looked at him and smiled. "We're starting our exams next week" Kaito interrupted.

"Exams, huh? I'm no good at tests anyway" Yuu said. "My highest score so far was an 88 on the literature test I took at my old school." "88? You're not gonna past with that as your highest" Kaito commented. "I know, I really need to study" Yuu added. I sighed. "So why didn't you come to school today?" I asked. 

"Oh, I didn't felt like it after-" 

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have left you like that!" I apologized. "S-Shina, you shouldn't be apologizing. I didn't felt like coming after my alarm clock ranged late" Yuu said. Oh, so that's why.

We hung out and talked for awhile. "It's dark now, so we better get going, Shina" Kaito suggested. "You're right" I agreed as I packed up. 

"Maybe we should held a study party later on this week for the exam?" Yuu suggested. "Sounds good" I replied. "Fine with me" Kaito agreed. "Be careful now" Chiho said. We left Yuu's house. 

Author's Note:

Captain Levi likes to clean in Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titian). This only makes sense to people who watches this anime. I recommend you it if you haven't seen it yet. The opening is really catchy as well. Why am I talking about anime when I'm suppose to talk about the next part of the story? 

Captain Levi is my bae in Attack on Titan. My "Human Blender." I ship him with Eren, but at the same time Hanji. Oh well, BL is always better!

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