Shard 48

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"Are you double timing?" Yuki asked me. "N-No, I'm not!" I corrected her. The train (bus train or whatever that they have in Japan) came. We all got on. The seat pairing was rather obvious. I sat next to the window. Kaito sat next to me. Yuu and Yuki sat in front of us. Like, right in front of us, facing our way.

"Can't believe we are actually going to Kyoto (A city in Japan)!" Yuu said. "I heard that Hiroshi Onsen there is really popular" Yuki added on as she looked at Kaito. Kaito looked away. Yuki pouted and sat back down.

"Shina, what are you looking forward to seeing?" Yuu asked me. "I'm looking forward to trying Kyoto's ramen stands!" I exclaimed. "I can't believe you like a ramen freak" Yuki added as she looked at Kaito. I snapped. "What the f-" I was cut off by Kaito. "You don't want to get in a fight with her. She's a beast" Kaito said as he hold me down from attacking.

The ride was about three hours long. We were stuck in the train for quite a while, therefore sleep comes in handy. "Shina!" Kaito called. "We're here." I rubbed my eyes. "Where are we?" I asked. "Seriously, how long did you stayed up?" Yuki asked. "A couple more minutes after you guys went to sleep" I replied as I grabbed my bag. 

We walked out of the bus station and headed to another one. "This is our last ride for the day. It's about 30 more minutes before we reach Hiroshika district" Yuu said as he read off the brochure. 

We got on our train when it came. It was crowded with a lot of people so we had to stand instead of sitting. The bus rattled back in forth every single second. I couldn't take it! All of a sudden, the train jolted upwards. I was gonna fall onto the old man sitting in front of me! Better yet, my face was gonna aim for his crotch! 

"You okay?" Kaito asked as he saved me from falling. "T-Thanks" I replied. Yuki glared at us. 

Once the raggedly train ride was finally over, we had to walk a couple miles to Hiroshika district. "What a drag" Kaito complained. "It says that it's located up there" Yuu said as he pointed at a mountain. Our faces went blank. 

"Is this a hiking trip?" Yuki asked. "My legs are getting sore!" "It was your fault for wearing heals" Kaito said. "Oi, I can see the roof already!"  I called out to them. 

We got up to the top of the mountain. "Whoa, this place is huge!" Yuu commented. "I can't wait to soak myself in their springs!" Yuki added. I knocked on the door. "Grandma!! We're here!" I called. The door opened. 

"Shina! Welcome home!" Mashiro greeted. "Oh, what do we got here?"

"Hello, I'm Yuu Hayama. Shina's classmate" Yuu introduced. "Hi, my name is Yukirin Hinamo. Shina's friend" Yuki greeted. "My name is Kaito Nishikii. I will be in your care" Kaito introduced. Grandma bowed her head. "My name is Mashiro Makato. It's a pleasure to meet all of you. Now come on in" Grandma said.

Author's Note:

Grandma is gonna be "that" type of character. She will notice things in a instant. She's very nice, but a beast when it comes to youthful relationships. I forgot to say this a long time ago, but Hiroshi Onsen is not REAL! Hiroshika district is not real either! Don't try googling this nonsense! You've been warned!

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