Shard 38

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Before we knew it, exams had started. I turned over the paper and looked at the questions. I was shocked. Each one of them, Kaito went over with us! If only I remember the answers he said. I worked through each problem swiftly. When I was done, I felt pretty confident with my answers.

Soon it was lunch break. There was a swarm of bitches coming this way towards Yuu. I moved away before getting sucked in. I decided to eat on the roof of this school today. Even though it was rather chilly outside, but I didn't care. I walked up the long stairs and opened the door to the roof. 

I saw Kaito standing right there, leaning on the rail. I closed the door in an instant. "Looks like the roof has been occupied by a little shit so let me take an u-turn" I said as I began walking down the stairs. 

Minutes later, I ate on the roof anyways. Don't even ask me how because I don't even know what happened. I sat down at the very far end of the concrete, away from him. I opened my anpan wrapper (Japanese sweet roll) and started digging in. 

"What are you doing up here?" I asked Kaito. He looked at me. "What? Are you worried about me?" Kaito asked. "O-Of course not! Why would I be?" I replied as I was about to choke. Kaito walked closer to where I was. I started backing away. "S-Stay away!" I shouted. "You know that I don't listen to those deflects you throw at me" Kaito replied as he sat down next to me.

 "What are you doing, bastard?!" I shouted at him. "What's wrong with me sitting next to my girlfriend?" Kaito asked. My face turned red. "Tsk, give me some space to eat" I replied. 

When lunch was over, I headed back to class to take the other half of the exam. I sat down in my seat and looked out the window. Yuu looked at me and said, "S-Shina, um, uh, did you receive-" "AAHH, I need to go to the restroom" I interrupted as I escaped. What am I doing?! Why didn't I let him finish? Why am I blocking him?

We finished the rest of the exam and it was time to head back home. "Shina, I need to say something. I was the one who slipped that paper into your bag. I couldn't help it, but come out and say I love you" Yuu confessed as his face turned red a little. My face went white. He confessed to me. Not only to me, but Kaito was standing right there outside of our classroom!

Author's Note:

When that one person interrupts the confession. Ah, Kaito I'm sending in your rival now. How much I just enjoy boy jealousy. It's something I would die for to see! Man, I wish this was an anime for you guys to watch.  (/-3-)/

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