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Ever since you were young, you have dreamt of your own fluffy sometimes hairless friend that you would love a thousand times overs.

But sadly Mommy or Daddy said that horrible two-letter word everytime you asked for a simple friend that would love you no matter what.

"If you want a friend, go play outside with the other kids", they often said.

Those kids out there were never enough for you. And they still don't complete you.

Maybe it's time to ask Mommy and Daddy again, for your future best friend...



Just do your chores to show that you can look after a yourself and hopefully a pet. If you really want to impress your parents, don't fight with your siblings and maybe help them out with their chores- only when Mom is looking of course.

Pointless Arguments:

NO means NO. Don't argue with your parents because it will only frustrate them even more, and they may banish you to the rest of your life. Sometimes, your parents may just be right.

Go Fish:

Fishes are probably the lamest pets with the most unnecessary work. They may seem like an easy pet to take care of, but a rock is more interesting. Fishes swim around in their urine 24/7, what is interesting about that? Cleaning a fish tank is difficult if you are a slob. And the fish will always find some excuse to die, then comes the long flush...

I Want Attention:

There's nothing worse than a pet being forgotten. Your pets highlight of their day is when you return from school or work. Treat them with love and affection.

Doggy Business:

Dogs are quite fun to look care for. When picking a dog, get a dog that matches your personality and your needs. You don't want to end up with a poodle as a guard dog now do you? Dogs basically require: love, attention, fresh food and water daily, a clean environment- hence a human picking up some business of their lawn regularly.


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